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Building Trust

The blockchain industry is at the cutting edge of global financial innovation. Binance recognizes transparency of user funds, robust security, and regulatory compliance as key components of building and maintaining the user trust needed for the technology to deliver on its massive promise. Our approach to building trust as a centralized digital asset exchange (CEX) is comprehensively summarized in this policy paper.

This page is a hub for information related to Binance’s initiatives to enhance the transparency of funds, security, and regulatory compliance, as well as promote sensible policies around digital assets and education in these critical domains. Here, you will find detailed information and timely updates related to these efforts. Anyone interested is encouraged to use this resource to learn more about Binance’s approach to transparency and safekeeping of user funds, maintaining robust security, and meeting regulatory requirements. 

Here are the latest developments related to transparency, security, and compliance from across the Binance ecosystem.
Crypto Tax Policy: Do’s, Don’ts, and Best Practices

CEX Guidelines for Building Trust In the Crypto Ecosystem 

We believe a rising tide lifts all boats. Building trust is an ongoing process, and all players have a part to build a safer crypto ecosystem. Binance proposes a detailed, actionable framework of guidelines for all centralized exchanges to raise the bar on safety, transparency, and trust for the entire industry.

Transparency of Funds

To build user and regulator trust, the crypto industry’s centralized players must embrace a new approach to the transparency of user funds. Learn more about Binance’s proof-of-reserves framework and other transparency initiatives in the dedicated section of the website.


Users can only trust a digital asset platform if they know they are protected. The security of users and their funds is a core component of Binance’s ethos, baked into the design of each product and feature we introduce. Learn more about the security measures that Binance takes to protect users here.

Regulatory Compliance & Policy

Complying with existing regulations and contributing to the creation of new regulatory frameworks that enable financial innovation while protecting users are among Binance’s top priorities. Learn more about our efforts and achievements on this front here.


Understanding the fundamental concepts and processes that underlie Binance’s operations is key to fully benefiting from our transparency initiatives. This section offers a curated selection of articles and guides that will equip users with the knowledge they need to access and interpret Binance’s disclosures and better understand how centralized cryptocurrency ecosystems work.