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🤖 Бургерная, где будут работать только роботы В Калифорнии планируют открыть первый в мире полностью автономный ресторан быстрого питания CaliExpress by Flippy, работающий на искусственном интеллекте. Клиенты смогут насладиться бургерами, приготовленными роботами-поварами, которые выполняют все кулинарные задачи быстро и с хирургической точностью.
🤖 Бургерная, где будут работать только роботы

В Калифорнии планируют открыть первый в мире полностью автономный ресторан быстрого питания CaliExpress by Flippy, работающий на искусственном интеллекте. Клиенты смогут насладиться бургерами, приготовленными роботами-поварами, которые выполняют все кулинарные задачи быстро и с хирургической точностью.
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🤖Робот SWAT задержал преступника В США полиция испытала нового робота для поимки преступников. 🚨 Мужчина прятался в мотеле и начал стрелять в полицию. Несчастного сначала облили перцовым баллончиком, затем спустили с него штаны и обездвижили.
🤖Робот SWAT задержал преступника

В США полиция испытала нового робота для поимки преступников.

🚨 Мужчина прятался в мотеле и начал стрелять в полицию. Несчастного сначала облили перцовым баллончиком, затем спустили с него штаны и обездвижили.
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➡️ Студент разработал программное обеспечение для камеры в очках, которая использует ИИ для мгновенного создания профилей людей в поле зрения. Программа распознает лица и немедленно извлекает информацию, такую ​​как имена, адреса, псевдонимы, данные о семье и другие данные, генерируя полный документ на месте. Однако никто не предоставит доступ к коду — поиск хранилища бесполезен.
➡️ Студент разработал программное обеспечение для камеры в очках, которая использует ИИ для мгновенного создания профилей людей в поле зрения. Программа распознает лица и немедленно извлекает информацию, такую ​​как имена, адреса, псевдонимы, данные о семье и другие данные, генерируя полный документ на месте.

Однако никто не предоставит доступ к коду — поиск хранилища бесполезен.
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🚘 Машина едет на автопилоте, пока водитель откидывается назад и смотрит фильм. Смельчак положил бутылку на руль Zeekr, обманув машину, заставив ее думать, что руки водителя находятся на руле. Китаец мчится по рингу со скоростью 100 км/ч, пока владелец машины наслаждается сеансом кино под одеялом.
🚘 Машина едет на автопилоте, пока водитель откидывается назад и смотрит фильм.

Смельчак положил бутылку на руль Zeekr, обманув машину, заставив ее думать, что руки водителя находятся на руле. Китаец мчится по рингу со скоростью 100 км/ч, пока владелец машины наслаждается сеансом кино под одеялом.
См. оригинал
🏢 Китайцы снова впереди: в порту Гуанчжоу докеры теперь работают удаленно. С помощью 5G сотрудники управляют техникой на расстоянии, не выходя из офиса. Теперь операторы следят за беспилотными автомобилями, которые выполняют всю тяжелую работу — перевозят и загружают контейнеры. Удаленная работа будущего уже здесь! #ChinaTech
🏢 Китайцы снова впереди: в порту Гуанчжоу докеры теперь работают удаленно. С помощью 5G сотрудники управляют техникой на расстоянии, не выходя из офиса. Теперь операторы следят за беспилотными автомобилями, которые выполняют всю тяжелую работу — перевозят и загружают контейнеры.

Удаленная работа будущего уже здесь!

🌐 SpaceX's launch vehicle has successfully returned to the launch pad. You can criticize or laugh at Elon Musk, but there's no denying that over the past 20 years, he has been at the forefront of some of the most important innovations of our time.
🌐 SpaceX's launch vehicle has successfully returned to the launch pad.

You can criticize or laugh at Elon Musk, but there's no denying that over the past 20 years, he has been at the forefront of some of the most important innovations of our time.
См. оригинал
Я нашел интересную диаграмму о выпуске биткоинов 💸 •56,8% — хранятся в личных кошельках •17,6% — неактивны •5,2% — управляются фондами •4,8% — на адресах Сатоши Накамото •3,3% — принадлежат компаниям •2,4% — контролируются правительствами Оставшиеся 6,2% $BTC будут добыты майнерами до 2140 года.
Я нашел интересную диаграмму о выпуске биткоинов 💸

•56,8% — хранятся в личных кошельках
•17,6% — неактивны
•5,2% — управляются фондами
•4,8% — на адресах Сатоши Накамото
•3,3% — принадлежат компаниям
•2,4% — контролируются правительствами

Оставшиеся 6,2% $BTC будут добыты майнерами до 2140 года.
A Chance for Survival in a Machine Uprising The Invisibility Shield can hide a person from drone machine vision. 📷 Cameras and sensors stop detecting presence, causing the drone to instantly lose sight of its target — protection from high-tech surveillance is becoming a reality.
A Chance for Survival in a Machine Uprising

The Invisibility Shield can hide a person from drone machine vision.

📷 Cameras and sensors stop detecting presence, causing the drone to instantly lose sight of its target — protection from high-tech surveillance is becoming a reality.
См. оригинал
Шанс на выживание в восстании машин Щит невидимости может скрыть человека от машинного зрения дрона. Камеры и датчики перестают определять присутствие, в результате чего дрон мгновенно теряет цель из виду — защита от высокотехнологичного наблюдения становится реальностью.
Шанс на выживание в восстании машин

Щит невидимости может скрыть человека от машинного зрения дрона.

Камеры и датчики перестают определять присутствие, в результате чего дрон мгновенно теряет цель из виду — защита от высокотехнологичного наблюдения становится реальностью.
The Parking Robot Parkie Will Soon Start Operating in South Korea The company HL Mando has developed the parking robot Parkie, which will be able to autonomously park various types of vehicles, including sports cars and SUVs. This robot is a flat platform just 9 cm high that can determine the weight of the vehicle, the distance between the axles, the license plate, and road conditions. Parkie uses Level 4 autonomous driving technology (meaning it requires no human intervention). Testing of Parkie will begin in April of next year.
The Parking Robot Parkie Will Soon Start Operating in South Korea

The company HL Mando has developed the parking robot Parkie, which will be able to autonomously park various types of vehicles, including sports cars and SUVs.

This robot is a flat platform just 9 cm high that can determine the weight of the vehicle, the distance between the axles, the license plate, and road conditions. Parkie uses Level 4 autonomous driving technology (meaning it requires no human intervention).

Testing of Parkie will begin in April of next year.
См. оригинал
💩 Apple разрабатывает новое устройство, которое будет легче и меньше Vision Pro, сообщает Марк Гурман из Bloomberg. По слухам, это будет нечто среднее между гарнитурой дополненной реальности и умными очками, а главной особенностью станет то, что основной компонент устройства будет размещен в беспроводном вычислительном диске. Ожидается, что новое устройство будет работать в паре с AirPods Pro 3.
💩 Apple разрабатывает новое устройство, которое будет легче и меньше Vision Pro, сообщает Марк Гурман из Bloomberg.

По слухам, это будет нечто среднее между гарнитурой дополненной реальности и умными очками, а главной особенностью станет то, что основной компонент устройства будет размещен в беспроводном вычислительном диске. Ожидается, что новое устройство будет работать в паре с AirPods Pro 3.
⚙️ China Lives in 3024 A miraculous device is going viral on Chinese social media: a PDLC film made up of several layers, with liquid crystals in between that affect the transparency of the window.
⚙️ China Lives in 3024

A miraculous device is going viral on Chinese social media: a PDLC film made up of several layers, with liquid crystals in between that affect the transparency of the window.
Wow, scientists from MIT have showcased a table that reshapes itself to meet the owner's needs! The built-in AI understands what you want to do at the moment and changes the shape of the tabletop accordingly. It can instantly create fruit bowls, stands for laptops, phones, and much more.
Wow, scientists from MIT have showcased a table that reshapes itself to meet the owner's needs!

The built-in AI understands what you want to do at the moment and changes the shape of the tabletop accordingly. It can instantly create fruit bowls, stands for laptops, phones, and much more.
💩 Zuckerberg's smart glasses have learned to translate speech in real-time. Two owners of the gadgets will always be able to understand each other — the Ray-Ban Smart Glasses will pick up the words, translate them, and speak them to the conversation partner. #AiNarratives #AItrendingtopic
💩 Zuckerberg's smart glasses have learned to translate speech in real-time.

Two owners of the gadgets will always be able to understand each other — the Ray-Ban Smart Glasses will pick up the words, translate them, and speak them to the conversation partner.

#AiNarratives #AItrendingtopic
🌐 China Allegedly Resumes Selling Seized Ethereum from PlusToken Scam 👀 The cryptocurrency market faces potential turbulence as reports emerge of the Chinese government allegedly resuming the sale of Ethereum ($ETH ) seized from the PlusToken pyramid scheme. This development marks the first significant movement of these assets since 2021, with approximately 7,000 ETH out of the remaining 542,000 ETH (valued at $1.3 billion) reportedly transferred to exchanges within the past 24 hours. ❓ The PlusToken scam, operational from 2018 to 2019, amassed substantial cryptocurrency holdings before Chinese authorities intervened. While a significant portion of the confiscated Bitcoin was liquidated between 2019 and 2020, the majority of the Ethereum remained untouched until mid-2021. The resurgence of these asset movements could potentially exert downward pressure on ETH prices in the short term. 💬 How do you think this large-scale liquidation of seized assets by a government entity might impact market sentiment and the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies? Could this influence future regulatory approaches to handling confiscated digital assets?
🌐 China Allegedly Resumes Selling Seized Ethereum from PlusToken Scam

👀 The cryptocurrency market faces potential turbulence as reports emerge of the Chinese government allegedly resuming the sale of Ethereum ($ETH ) seized from the PlusToken pyramid scheme. This development marks the first significant movement of these assets since 2021, with approximately 7,000 ETH out of the remaining 542,000 ETH (valued at $1.3 billion) reportedly transferred to exchanges within the past 24 hours.

❓ The PlusToken scam, operational from 2018 to 2019, amassed substantial cryptocurrency holdings before Chinese authorities intervened. While a significant portion of the confiscated Bitcoin was liquidated between 2019 and 2020, the majority of the Ethereum remained untouched until mid-2021. The resurgence of these asset movements could potentially exert downward pressure on ETH prices in the short term.

💬 How do you think this large-scale liquidation of seized assets by a government entity might impact market sentiment and the broader adoption of cryptocurrencies? Could this influence future regulatory approaches to handling confiscated digital assets?
🔥 USDA Approves First Blockchain-Based Cattle Certification System 🗣️ CattleProof, a Wyoming-based company, has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first blockchain-based Process Verified Program (PVP) approved by the United States Department of #Agriculture (USDA). This innovative system, called "Verified," uses decentralized digital ledger technology to record and verify information about individual cows, combining data from electronic identification tags with blockchain records. 📌 The USDA's approval of CattleProof's PVP application marks a pivotal moment in the intersection of #blockchain technology and agriculture. It demonstrates the government's increasing acceptance of blockchain as a foundational technology in the agricultural sector. CattleProof's unique offerings include "Born in the USA" certification for cattle and digital certificates with hyperlinks to individual animal data. 💬 How do you think this USDA approval of a blockchain-based cattle certification system might influence the adoption of similar technologies in other areas of agriculture or food supply chain management? What potential benefits and challenges do you foresee in implementing such systems more broadly?
🔥 USDA Approves First Blockchain-Based Cattle Certification System

🗣️ CattleProof, a Wyoming-based company, has achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first blockchain-based Process Verified Program (PVP) approved by the United States Department of #Agriculture (USDA). This innovative system, called "Verified," uses decentralized digital ledger technology to record and verify information about individual cows, combining data from electronic identification tags with blockchain records.

📌 The USDA's approval of CattleProof's PVP application marks a pivotal moment in the intersection of #blockchain technology and agriculture. It demonstrates the government's increasing acceptance of blockchain as a foundational technology in the agricultural sector. CattleProof's unique offerings include "Born in the USA" certification for cattle and digital certificates with hyperlinks to individual animal data.

💬 How do you think this USDA approval of a blockchain-based cattle certification system might influence the adoption of similar technologies in other areas of agriculture or food supply chain management? What potential benefits and challenges do you foresee in implementing such systems more broadly?
💰 Wrapped Bitcoin Shifts to Multi-Jurisdiction Custody, Sparking Community Debate 📍 Wrapped Bitcoin ($WBTC ), a tokenized version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum network, has completed its transition to a geographically distributed custody structure. The new arrangement involves a partnership between BitGo and BiT Global, with custody shared across Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. This move aims to enhance security and decentralization by requiring two signatures for any transaction approval. 🔗 Despite the transition's seamless implementation for users, it has sparked debates within the #cryptocurrency community. The Sky platform (formerly Maker) initially voted to remove WBTC as a collateral asset due to concerns over Justin Sun's involvement. However, the platform is now reconsidering this decision following discussions with BitGo co-founder Mike Belshe. 💬 How do you think this new multi-jurisdiction custody arrangement for WBTC will impact its perceived reliability and adoption in the DeFi ecosystem? Does this development address the concerns raised by platforms like Sky, or do you think further measures are needed to build trust in tokenized assets?
💰 Wrapped Bitcoin Shifts to Multi-Jurisdiction Custody, Sparking Community Debate

📍 Wrapped Bitcoin ($WBTC ), a tokenized version of Bitcoin on the Ethereum network, has completed its transition to a geographically distributed custody structure. The new arrangement involves a partnership between BitGo and BiT Global, with custody shared across Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. This move aims to enhance security and decentralization by requiring two signatures for any transaction approval.

🔗 Despite the transition's seamless implementation for users, it has sparked debates within the #cryptocurrency community. The Sky platform (formerly Maker) initially voted to remove WBTC as a collateral asset due to concerns over Justin Sun's involvement. However, the platform is now reconsidering this decision following discussions with BitGo co-founder Mike Belshe.

💬 How do you think this new multi-jurisdiction custody arrangement for WBTC will impact its perceived reliability and adoption in the DeFi ecosystem? Does this development address the concerns raised by platforms like Sky, or do you think further measures are needed to build trust in tokenized assets?
🇺🇸🕑Trump, Musk, and DMAGA! Elon Musk and Donald Trump have once again shaken up the token market. During a recent speech in Butler, Musk called himself “Dark MAGA,” which immediately impacted the price of the DMAGA token on the Solana blockchain. In just 24 hours, DMAGA surged by 374%, rising from $0.0022 to $0.011. The market capitalization reached $9 million, giving investors impressive returns. The DMAGA token has become the digital symbol of a more radical version of the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement. Following Musk and Trump’s joint appearance, Trump’s odds of winning the election, according to Polymarket, once again surpassed those of Harris. In addition, Elon Musk’s Political Action Committee (PAC) is offering $47 for each voter brought in key swing states. This helped Trump surpass Harris by 6% in election betting odds in Pennsylvania. Together, these two have the potential to strengthen the global economy, ensure peace, and open many new opportunities for the future.
🇺🇸🕑Trump, Musk, and DMAGA!

Elon Musk and Donald Trump have once again shaken up the token market. During a recent speech in Butler, Musk called himself “Dark MAGA,” which immediately impacted the price of the DMAGA token on the Solana blockchain.

In just 24 hours, DMAGA surged by 374%, rising from $0.0022 to $0.011. The market capitalization reached $9 million, giving investors impressive returns. The DMAGA token has become the digital symbol of a more radical version of the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement.

Following Musk and Trump’s joint appearance, Trump’s odds of winning the election, according to Polymarket, once again surpassed those of Harris.

In addition, Elon Musk’s Political Action Committee (PAC) is offering $47 for each voter brought in key swing states. This helped Trump surpass Harris by 6% in election betting odds in Pennsylvania.

Together, these two have the potential to strengthen the global economy, ensure peace, and open many new opportunities for the future.
🇺🇸✊🕑Trump, Musk, and DMAGA! Elon Musk and Donald Trump have once again shaken up the token market. During a recent speech in Butler, Musk called himself “Dark MAGA,” which immediately impacted the price of the DMAGA token on the Solana blockchain. In just 24 hours, DMAGA surged by 374%, rising from $0.0022 to $0.011. The market capitalization reached $9 million, giving investors impressive returns. The DMAGA token has become the digital symbol of a more radical version of the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement.
🇺🇸✊🕑Trump, Musk, and DMAGA!

Elon Musk and Donald Trump have once again shaken up the token market. During a recent speech in Butler, Musk called himself “Dark MAGA,” which immediately impacted the price of the DMAGA token on the Solana blockchain.

In just 24 hours, DMAGA surged by 374%, rising from $0.0022 to $0.011. The market capitalization reached $9 million, giving investors impressive returns. The DMAGA token has become the digital symbol of a more radical version of the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement.
Comparison of the top 10 cryptocurrencies: This is how the market leaders looked 10 years ago and now. Many coins have dropped in rank, and Ethereum was launched later, in the summer of 2015. What’s most surprising is that $DOGE is still in the top! I joined in 2017 when $BTC was around $10,000. That was the beginning of the bull market, and I was euphoric — everything I bought was rising every day. But then, during the bear market, I lost everything I had gained. Now a new bull market is starting, and I’ll keep you updated on when to lock in profits. For now, our portfolios are filled, and we’re waiting patiently. #BTCUptober #WeAreAllSatoshi
Comparison of the top 10 cryptocurrencies: This is how the market leaders looked 10 years ago and now. Many coins have dropped in rank, and Ethereum was launched later, in the summer of 2015. What’s most surprising is that $DOGE is still in the top! I joined in 2017 when $BTC was around $10,000. That was the beginning of the bull market, and I was euphoric — everything I bought was rising every day. But then, during the bear market, I lost everything I had gained. Now a new bull market is starting, and I’ll keep you updated on when to lock in profits. For now, our portfolios are filled, and we’re waiting patiently.

#BTCUptober #WeAreAllSatoshi
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