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$ENA ##ENAUSDT🚨 #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #bitcoinhalving И вот мы снова здесь. Вы все помните ложные и вводящие в заблуждение предсказания многих авторов о том, что число $ENA упадет. Теперь рыночный график показывает реальную цену $ENA . конечно, он может упасть, но поднимется выше.






И вот мы снова здесь. Вы все помните ложные и вводящие в заблуждение предсказания многих авторов о том, что число $ENA упадет.

Теперь рыночный график показывает реальную цену $ENA .

конечно, он может упасть, но поднимется выше.

Totally agree
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$NOT Notcoin's Rise in Market Value and Capitalization Notcoin has experienced a noteworthy upswing in both price and market capitalization in recent days. As of June 1, 2024, its price hovered around $0.016, reflecting a remarkable increase of over 30% within the last 24 hours. This price surge has been accompanied by a corresponding rise in market capitalization, currently sitting at approximately $1.6 billion, positioning Notcoin among the top 70 cryptocurrencies. Additionally, trading activity has witnessed a significant surge, with a 24-hour volume exceeding $1.4 billion, indicating a substantial increase in investor interest. Important Considerations While Notcoin's recent performance suggests a positive trend, it's crucial to acknowledge the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market. Prices can fluctuate rapidly, and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. A comprehensive evaluation, incorporating an understanding of Notcoin's underlying fundamentals, potential use cases within the crypto ecosystem, and the broader market landscape, is essential before making any investment decisions. here's an analysis of the Notcoin market targeting a price of $0.02 Price Increase Required: To reach $0.02, Notcoin needs a price increase of approximately 25.00%. This translates to a rise of $0.0040 from its current price of $0.016 (as of June 1, 2024). Market Cap Impact: If Notcoin reaches $0.02, its market capitalization would climb to roughly $2 billion, assuming the total number of coins in circulation remains constant. This would potentially place Notcoin among the top 50 cryptocurrencies. Important Considerations: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and Notcoin's price could fluctuate significantly. Reaching $0.02 depends on various factors, including investor sentiment, trading activity, and overall market trends. Conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOTCOİN

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