-Solana (SOL) has approached the 200 mark again as the token maintains bullish momentum in the Decentralized Financial Network (DeFi).

Solana is currently exhibiting a bullish trend that has risen over 30% in the past month. Recognizing the importance of this move, Finbold turned to ChatGPT-4o, the latest and most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot model developed by OpenAI, to determine the future trajectory of #SOL .

It is worth noting that ChatGPT-4o shows more accurate, faster and cost-effective results compared to other models.

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In determining the future trajectory of SOL, the artificial intelligence platform identified key factors that could affect the valuation by 2024. It highlighted Solana's popularity among #meme coin sellers, which could potentially increase its value as SOL is used for transaction and counter #payments . In addition, the company noted Solana's advantages such as high throughput and low transaction costs.

ChatGPT-4o also noted that positive changes in regulations, market sentiment, and technological advancements could help drive price growth. On the contrary, negative regulation can lower the cost of #solana .

Taking these factors into account, ChatGPT-4o described two possible scenarios regarding solana prices by the end of 2024 3. Assuming that Solana maintains its current level of popularity and shows steady rather than explosive growth, the tool suggested a price range of 200 to 250. This estimate reflects a slight increase from the current price.

In the best case scenario, if the market situation is favorable, solana sales will increase significantly, no serious problems will occur, and Solana's price could exceed 300 pounds, the artificial intelligence tool predicts.

Otherwise, its price may fall below 175 if the market becomes bearish or Solana faces serious problems.

It's worth noting that despite the serious challenges of 2024, Solana's outlook remains generally optimistic.

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