Crypto Crime Mid-year Update: Ransomware Scams Surge, While Overall Crime Sees a Significant Decline


The "Crypto Crime Mid-year 2023 Update" report by Chainalysis sheds light on the state of crypto-related criminal activities. The report indicates a promising 65% decrease in overall crypto crime, providing optimism for the industry. However, it also highlights a concerning resurgence in ransomware scams, suggesting potential challenges ahead.

Decline in Overall Crypto Crime:

The report attributes the decline in overall crypto crime to the collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, and crypto exchanges. These entities have implemented stricter security measures, fostering a safer and more trustworthy environment for cryptocurrency transactions.

Resurgence of Ransomware Scams:

Despite the overall decline, the report unveils a worrisome resurgence of ransomware attacks, particularly focusing on high-value targets in what is known as "Big Game Hunting." These attacks involve cybercriminals targeting large organizations or critical infrastructure, aiming to extort significant sums of money through ransom demands.

The Threat Landscape:

The return of Big Game Hunting, previously prevalent a few years ago, has raised concerns among cybersecurity experts. This emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and heightened vigilance among organizations to prevent falling victim to these sophisticated attacks.

Utilization of Cryptocurrencies:

Ransomware attacks often exploit the use of cryptocurrencies due to their anonymity and ability to facilitate fast, untraceable transactions. This trend underscores the importance of ongoing collaboration between industry stakeholders, law enforcement agencies, and technology providers to effectively combat this evolving threat landscape.

Mitigation Strategies:

While the decline in overall crypto crime is encouraging, the resurgence of ransomware scams demands immediate attention. As the year progresses, stakeholders must remain vigilant by strengthening their security protocols and sharing threat intelligence. This collaborative approach will help mitigate the risks posed by increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals.


The "Crypto Crime Mid-year 2023 Update" report by Chainalysis provides comprehensive analysis, data, and insights into the current state of crypto crime. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the industry's progress and the emerging challenges posed by the resurgence of ransomware scams. By implementing robust security measures and fostering collaboration, stakeholders can work towards a safer crypto ecosystem.