Selim, a 34-year-old family man from Balıkesir, Turkey has managed to embrace both his obligations as a husband and a father as well as his love for all things crypto. He is a working man with a strenuous working and family life but at night, he gets engulfed in #DAOLabs ' #SocialMining which is his way of trying to make a fortune out of cryptocurrency.

Selim started the crypto journey back in 2015, initiated with curiosity and the desire to look for some enhanced methods of earning money. Like many, at first, he blindly trusted his favourite influencers, and the outcomes did not make him happy. Nevertheless, these failures had positive effects since they made him wiser and more patient in choosing his investments. It was this change of approach that brought him to #SocialMining which was reccomended to him by a friend as a much more flexible and fun way to remain active in the crypto sphere.

As for the time management between work, family, and Social Mining Selim emphasizes that he would like to stay committed to all three. He spends a considerable amount of time on Social Mining after his kids are asleep, and he looks forward to retirement to fully engage in it. Selim found out that the DAOLabs Turkey community is very friendly, and he considers it a “social miner family.” He learns from others’ work and tries his best in writing and making illustrations, as he realizes that good words and graphics are needed in the crypto space.

Regarding plans, Selim is eager for future projects in the Social Mining ecosystem, especially the ones that he will be able to join from scratch. He says that each new project is like having a child which needs attention to be given and nurtured for it to grow. The story of Selim attests to the importance of measure, support, and constant training while searching for solutions in the sphere of cryptocurrencies and in general.