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Jangan Terlalu Berharap pada Airdrop Meme di Mini App Telegram, Baca Ini!!!
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, airdrops menjadi salah satu strategi yang sering digunakan oleh proyek kripto untuk menarik perhatian pengguna baru. Airdrop adalah pemberian token secara gratis kepada komunitas atau pengguna, biasanya dalam jumlah kecil. Ini sering digunakan sebagai insentif bagi para pengguna untuk mendukung proyek, atau sebagai cara untuk memperluas komunitas sebelum peluncuran token di bursa. Namun, belakangan ini, khususnya di aplikasi mini Telegram, kita mulai melihat fenomena baru di mana airdrops dari token meme tidak lagi memenuhi harapan banyak pengguna.

Token Meme dan Fenomena Airdrop
Token meme, atau meme coins, merupakan token kripto yang umumnya tidak memiliki utilitas nyata selain bersifat spekulatif. Mereka memanfaatkan hype dan budaya internet, sering kali dimulai dengan niat yang ringan dan lucu namun menarik perhatian besar dari komunitas kripto. Proyek seperti Dogecoin adalah salah satu yang pertama mendapatkan popularitas besar dan menginspirasi munculnya berbagai token meme baru.
Untuk memperluas komunitas mereka, beberapa token meme yang baru diluncurkan menggunakan airdrops di aplikasi mini Telegram. Ini memberikan kesan bahwa dengan partisipasi yang sederhana, seperti bergabung dengan grup atau menyelesaikan beberapa tugas kecil, pengguna bisa mendapatkan token gratis yang mungkin suatu hari bernilai besar.
Namun, kenyataannya sering kali jauh dari ekspektasi.

Kasus Token Meme: HMSTR, MEMEFI, X Empire, Blum, dan Lainnya
Beberapa token meme yang meluncurkan airdrops di mini app Telegram seperti HMSTR, MEMEFI, X Empire, dan Blum menjadi contoh nyata bagaimana harapan pengguna seringkali tidak sejalan dengan kenyataan. Ada beberapa pola umum yang bisa diamati:
1. Airdrop dalam Jumlah Kecil:
Sebagian besar proyek ini memberikan token dalam jumlah yang sangat kecil. Misalnya, pengguna mungkin menerima ratusan atau ribuan token, tetapi nilai aktual token tersebut sangatlah rendah. Ketika token pertama kali dilisting di bursa, harga per token biasanya sangat rendah, sering kali di bawah 1 sen. Jadi, meskipun pengguna menerima ribuan token, nilai total yang diterima seringkali hanya beberapa sen atau bahkan kurang dari itu.
2. Listing dengan Harga Murah:
Setelah airdrops, token biasanya dilisting di bursa terdesentralisasi atau bursa kecil. Pada saat itu, harga token seringkali sangat rendah, jauh dari harapan pengguna yang berharap kenaikan nilai cepat. HMSTR, MEMEFI, X Empire, dan Blum adalah contoh token yang dilisting dengan harga murah, bahkan beberapa di antaranya mengalami dump harga besar-besaran tak lama setelah dilisting.
3. Kecewa karena Kegagalan ROI:
Banyak pengguna yang mengikuti airdrops berharap token tersebut suatu hari akan mengalami lonjakan harga yang besar seperti yang pernah terjadi pada Dogecoin atau Shiba Inu. Namun, dalam kenyataannya, mayoritas token meme yang diluncurkan lewat airdrop di mini app Telegram tidak pernah mencapai return on investment (ROI) yang signifikan. Akibatnya, banyak yang merasa kecewa dan merugi karena token yang mereka pegang tidak bernilai apa-apa, atau tidak likuid di pasar.
4. Kurangnya Komitmen Jangka Panjang dari Tim Proyek:
Salah satu alasan utama kegagalan token meme airdrop adalah kurangnya rencana jangka panjang dari tim proyek. Token meme sering kali dibuat hanya untuk menangkap momentum pasar tanpa adanya utilitas atau ekosistem nyata. Ketika hype awal memudar, tim sering kali kehilangan motivasi atau dukungan untuk melanjutkan proyek, yang pada akhirnya merugikan para pemegang token.
5. Overpromising, Underdelivering:
Salah satu masalah terbesar yang terjadi dalam ekosistem airdrops token meme adalah janji besar yang tidak terpenuhi. Proyek seringkali menggembor-gemborkan potensi pertumbuhan yang sangat besar untuk token mereka, namun tanpa rencana yang matang atau fundamental yang kuat, token ini gagal mencapai harapan tersebut.

Pelajaran yang Bisa Diambil
1. Jangan Terlalu Berharap:
Sebagai pengguna kripto, penting untuk mengurangi ekspektasi terhadap airdrops token meme. Meskipun konsep menerima sesuatu secara gratis sangat menarik, realitasnya adalah bahwa sebagian besar dari token ini tidak memiliki nilai yang signifikan, terutama pada awalnya. Banyak proyek bahkan tidak pernah mencapai potensi mereka.
2. Evaluasi Proyek dengan Kritis:
Sebelum bergabung dengan airdrops, selalu penting untuk melakukan riset tentang proyek tersebut. Apakah ada utilitas nyata di balik token tersebut? Bagaimana tim proyek merencanakan untuk membangun ekosistemnya? Seberapa solid rencana jangka panjang mereka? Tanpa jawaban yang meyakinkan atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini, peluang token untuk berhasil sangat kecil.
3. Token Meme Bukan untuk Semua Orang:
Token meme memang bisa memberikan keuntungan bagi mereka yang sangat beruntung atau bisa memanfaatkan momentum dengan baik. Namun, bagi sebagian besar orang, mereka hanya akan menjadi bagian dari "pump and dump", di mana harga naik dengan cepat dan jatuh bahkan lebih cepat.
4. Pertimbangkan Risiko Likuiditas:
Salah satu masalah terbesar dengan token meme hasil airdrop adalah likuiditas yang rendah. Meskipun Anda menerima token dalam jumlah besar, Anda mungkin akan kesulitan untuk menjualnya di pasar karena likuiditas yang sangat rendah atau biaya transaksi yang tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai token yang dijual.
Airdrop di mini app Telegram telah menjadi cara populer bagi proyek kripto untuk membangun komunitas awal. Namun, terutama dalam konteks token meme seperti HMSTR, MEMEFI, X Empire, dan Blum, hasil yang diharapkan seringkali jauh dari kenyataan. Pengguna perlu berhati-hati dan tidak terlalu berharap bahwa token gratis ini akan memberikan keuntungan besar. Memahami risiko, melakukan riset yang baik, dan mengelola ekspektasi dengan bijak adalah kunci untuk menghindari kekecewaan dalam ekosistem airdrops token meme ini.
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hello everyone, can you help me to support me as a binance creator, your one click means a lot, help me vote, by visiting my feed creator profile/brand then click vote, your vote means a lot to me to be able to become a better and more advanced feed creator, thanks you #CryptoExplorerFiesta #BinanceFeed #DOGS🐶
hello everyone, can you help me to support me as a binance creator, your one click means a lot, help me vote, by visiting my feed creator profile/brand then click vote, your vote means a lot to me to be able to become a better and more advanced feed creator, thanks you
#CryptoExplorerFiesta #BinanceFeed #DOGS🐶
$DOGS OTW the Moon 🐶🚀🌕
$DOGS OTW the Moon 🐶🚀🌕
#FreeDurov Shakes the $DOGS Community: What's Happening? The crypto community, particularly $DOGS token holders, has been stirred by the sudden viral hashtag #FreeDurov. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has recently faced serious legal troubles. News of his arrest has ignited a wave of solidarity and heated discussions among crypto enthusiasts. Durov's Connection to the $DOGS Community While there's no official explanation of a direct connection between Durov and the $DOGS project, many speculate that they share a common vision. Both Telegram and the $DOGS project are often associated with communities that oppose centralization and support user privacy. Why #FreeDurov is Trending * Support for Decentralization: Durov is known as a vocal advocate for decentralization and internet freedom. This aligns with the spirit of the $DOGS community, which also upholds similar values. * Concerns Over Censorship: Many fear that Durov's arrest is an attempt to silence critics and restrict freedom of expression in the digital world. * Potential Impact on Telegram: Telegram has become a popular communication platform among the crypto community. Durov's arrest is feared to impact the platform's future and hinder the adoption of blockchain technology. What #FreeDurov Means for the $DOGS Community The #FreeDurov hashtag is more than just support for an individual. For the $DOGS community, it's a strong statement about the importance of freedom, privacy, and decentralization in the digital world. This campaign can also strengthen solidarity among $DOGS token holders and expand the community's influence in the global crypto scene. Next Steps The $DOGS community is expected to remain united and find ways to support Durov. Some possible actions include: * Raising Awareness: Spreading information about Durov's case to a wider audience. * Organizing Campaigns: Launching online petitions or organizing other virtual actions to call for Durov's release. * Collaborating with Other Communities: Partnering with other crypto communities to amplify their voices and influence. Conclusion The arrest of Pavel Durov has highlighted the importance of protecting individual freedoms and upholding decentralization values in the digital age. The $DOGS community has demonstrated strong solidarity in the face of this situation. Let's continue to support the #FreeDurov movement and work towards a freer future for all. #freedurov #dogscoin #telegram

#FreeDurov Shakes the $DOGS Community: What's Happening?

The crypto community, particularly $DOGS token holders, has been stirred by the sudden viral hashtag #FreeDurov. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, has recently faced serious legal troubles. News of his arrest has ignited a wave of solidarity and heated discussions among crypto enthusiasts.
Durov's Connection to the $DOGS Community
While there's no official explanation of a direct connection between Durov and the $DOGS project, many speculate that they share a common vision. Both Telegram and the $DOGS project are often associated with communities that oppose centralization and support user privacy.
Why #FreeDurov is Trending
* Support for Decentralization: Durov is known as a vocal advocate for decentralization and internet freedom. This aligns with the spirit of the $DOGS community, which also upholds similar values.
* Concerns Over Censorship: Many fear that Durov's arrest is an attempt to silence critics and restrict freedom of expression in the digital world.
* Potential Impact on Telegram: Telegram has become a popular communication platform among the crypto community. Durov's arrest is feared to impact the platform's future and hinder the adoption of blockchain technology.
What #FreeDurov Means for the $DOGS Community
The #FreeDurov hashtag is more than just support for an individual. For the $DOGS community, it's a strong statement about the importance of freedom, privacy, and decentralization in the digital world. This campaign can also strengthen solidarity among $DOGS token holders and expand the community's influence in the global crypto scene.
Next Steps
The $DOGS community is expected to remain united and find ways to support Durov. Some possible actions include:
* Raising Awareness: Spreading information about Durov's case to a wider audience.
* Organizing Campaigns: Launching online petitions or organizing other virtual actions to call for Durov's release.
* Collaborating with Other Communities: Partnering with other crypto communities to amplify their voices and influence.
The arrest of Pavel Durov has highlighted the importance of protecting individual freedoms and upholding decentralization values in the digital age. The $DOGS community has demonstrated strong solidarity in the face of this situation. Let's continue to support the #FreeDurov movement and work towards a freer future for all.
#freedurov #dogscoin #telegram
Telegram CEO Arrested in France Pavel Durov, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France. The arrest stems from serious allegations including money laundering, drug trafficking, and the dissemination of child sexual abuse material on his platform. French authorities have cited a lack of moderation on Telegram, allowing criminal activities to flourish. Key Reasons for the Arrest: * Lack of Moderation: Telegram has been accused of failing to prevent the platform from being used for illegal activities. * Legal Violations: The charges include money laundering, drug trafficking, and the distribution of child sexual abuse material. * Exploitation by Criminal Groups: Telegram is suspected of being a haven for criminal organizations. Impact: Durov's arrest raises significant questions about the future of Telegram and the global efforts to regulate social media platforms. Additional Facts: * Telegram is highly popular among users due to its strong encryption and features. * The platform has been used by various entities, including governments and opposition groups, to disseminate information. * Durov is known for being critical of governments and often avoids scrutiny. In essence: Durov's arrest serves as a stark reminder of the challenges in regulating large and complex social media platforms like Telegram. #Telegram #PavelDurov #Dogs
Telegram CEO Arrested in France

Pavel Durov, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France. The arrest stems from serious allegations including money laundering, drug trafficking, and the dissemination of child sexual abuse material on his platform. French authorities have cited a lack of moderation on Telegram, allowing criminal activities to flourish.

Key Reasons for the Arrest:
* Lack of Moderation: Telegram has been accused of failing to prevent the platform from being used for illegal activities.
* Legal Violations: The charges include money laundering, drug trafficking, and the distribution of child sexual abuse material.
* Exploitation by Criminal Groups: Telegram is suspected of being a haven for criminal organizations.

Durov's arrest raises significant questions about the future of Telegram and the global efforts to regulate social media platforms.

Additional Facts:
* Telegram is highly popular among users due to its strong encryption and features.
* The platform has been used by various entities, including governments and opposition groups, to disseminate information.
* Durov is known for being critical of governments and often avoids scrutiny.

In essence:
Durov's arrest serves as a stark reminder of the challenges in regulating large and complex social media platforms like Telegram.
#Telegram #PavelDurov #Dogs
"Ever felt like you're casting a line into the vast ocean, hoping for a big catch from airdrops? Well, most times, we end up with nothing but the hook. Lots of people get hooked on the idea of big rewards from Binance's Web3 airdrops, but end up feeling blue. I tried HLG and Skylink Nova, and let me tell you, the fees, especially the gas fees, often cost more than the tokens you get. So, before you jump into airdrops, make sure you do your homework (DYOR)." #DYOR!!
"Ever felt like you're casting a line into the vast ocean, hoping for a big catch from airdrops? Well, most times, we end up with nothing but the hook. Lots of people get hooked on the idea of big rewards from Binance's Web3 airdrops, but end up feeling blue. I tried HLG and Skylink Nova, and let me tell you, the fees, especially the gas fees, often cost more than the tokens you get. So, before you jump into airdrops, make sure you do your homework (DYOR)."

Zkylink Nova Airdrop Has Been Distributed! Great news! Zkylink Nova, an innovative decentralized layer-2 platform, has distributed their airdrop today! Did you participate in the airdrop? If so, check your wallet to see if you have received your Nova tokens. Nova offers incredible scalability and privacy, making it an ideal choice for DeFi and Web3 applications. #ZkylinkNova #Airdrop #Web3 #ZKL
Zkylink Nova Airdrop Has Been Distributed!

Great news! Zkylink Nova, an innovative decentralized layer-2 platform, has distributed their airdrop today!

Did you participate in the airdrop? If so, check your wallet to see if you have received your Nova tokens.

Nova offers incredible scalability and privacy, making it an ideal choice for DeFi and Web3 applications.

#ZkylinkNova #Airdrop #Web3 #ZKL
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Forgot Password for 10 Years, $30 Million Bitcoin Locked Finally Accessible! (Summary) Short Story: A man named Michael forgot the password for his Bitcoin e-wallet for 10 years. The e-wallet contained 43.6 Bitcoin, worth $30 million. With the help of 2 cyber researchers, Michael managed to open his e-wallet and get back his Bitcoin. Details: Michael forgot his e-wallet password which was created using RoboForm software. The file containing his password was corrupted, so he couldn't access it. Michael asked for help from Joe Grand and Bruno, two cyber researchers, to assist him. After months of trying, Joe and Bruno managed to find his password. Michael was very lucky because the value of his Bitcoin had increased drastically over the past 10 years. Lessons: It is important to store passwords securely and easily remembered. Use a trusted password manager software. Write down important passwords in a safe place. #bitcoin☀️ #Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Forgot Password for 10 Years, $30 Million Bitcoin Locked Finally Accessible! (Summary)

Short Story:

A man named Michael forgot the password for his Bitcoin e-wallet for 10 years.

The e-wallet contained 43.6 Bitcoin, worth $30 million.

With the help of 2 cyber researchers, Michael managed to open his e-wallet and get back his Bitcoin.


Michael forgot his e-wallet password which was created using RoboForm software.

The file containing his password was corrupted, so he couldn't access it.

Michael asked for help from Joe Grand and Bruno, two cyber researchers, to assist him.

After months of trying, Joe and Bruno managed to find his password.

Michael was very lucky because the value of his Bitcoin had increased drastically over the past 10 years.


It is important to store passwords securely and easily remembered.

Use a trusted password manager software.

Write down important passwords in a safe place.

#bitcoin☀️ #Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024
Hi everyone, As a content creator, I want to emphasize that I am committed to remaining neutral and objective in my content creation and information delivery. I will not take sides with any party, even if it means risking my content creator account. I deeply appreciate your support. Please help me by liking, commenting, and sharing my content. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments section. I will endeavor to incorporate your feedback into my content so that what we feel and want to convey can be heard by Binance. Thank you for your support! #Web3 #BlockchainRevolution #Binance $BTC
Hi everyone,

As a content creator, I want to emphasize that I am committed to remaining neutral and objective in my content creation and information delivery. I will not take sides with any party, even if it means risking my content creator account.

I deeply appreciate your support. Please help me by liking, commenting, and sharing my content. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments section. I will endeavor to incorporate your feedback into my content so that what we feel and want to convey can be heard by Binance.

Thank you for your support!

#Web3 #BlockchainRevolution #Binance
Kabosu, the Iconic Dog Behind Dogecoin, Has Passed Away The cryptocurrency world is mourning the loss of Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog who became the mascot of Dogecoin. Kabosu passed away peacefully on May 24, 2024, at the age of 17. Kabosu's adorable face with her signature "wow" expression became a popular internet meme and inspired the creation of Dogecoin in 2013. Since then, Kabosu has become a pop culture icon and a meme synonymous with Dogecoin. The news of her passing was announced on her official Instagram account, @kabosuusuke, with a touching message from her owner: "Kabosu passed away peacefully on May 24, 2024. She was 17 years old. Kabosu brought so much joy to so many people around the world. Thank you for all your love and support." Kabosu's death is a great loss to the Dogecoin community and dog lovers around the world. However, her spirit and joy will live on in the memes and fond memories she leaves behind. Let's remember Kabosu by: Sharing your favorite photos and memories of Kabosu on social media. Using the hashtags #Kabosu and #Dogecoin to show your respect. Donating to an animal shelter in Kabosu's name to help other dogs in need. #Kabosu #Dogecoin #DOGE $DOGE $SHIB
Kabosu, the Iconic Dog Behind Dogecoin, Has Passed Away

The cryptocurrency world is mourning the loss of Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog who became the mascot of Dogecoin. Kabosu passed away peacefully on May 24, 2024, at the age of 17.

Kabosu's adorable face with her signature "wow" expression became a popular internet meme and inspired the creation of Dogecoin in 2013. Since then, Kabosu has become a pop culture icon and a meme synonymous with Dogecoin.

The news of her passing was announced on her official Instagram account, @kabosuusuke, with a touching message from her owner:

"Kabosu passed away peacefully on May 24, 2024. She was 17 years old. Kabosu brought so much joy to so many people around the world. Thank you for all your love and support."

Kabosu's death is a great loss to the Dogecoin community and dog lovers around the world. However, her spirit and joy will live on in the memes and fond memories she leaves behind.

Let's remember Kabosu by:

Sharing your favorite photos and memories of Kabosu on social media.

Using the hashtags #Kabosu and #Dogecoin to show your respect.

Donating to an animal shelter in Kabosu's name to help other dogs in need.

#Kabosu #Dogecoin #DOGE
Airdrop Zklink Nova: Will It Meet Expectations or Repeat the Disappointment of the Holograph Airdrop? Following the success of the HLG airdrop, many communities are eagerly awaiting the rewards from the Zklink Nova airdrop mission. The question is, will the promised rewards meet expectations or will they repeat the disappointment of the Holograph airdrop? So far, there has been no official information on the Zkylink Nova airdrop distribution date. There are many speculations and rumors circulating, but nothing can be confirmed. Some communities are optimistic that the Zkylink Nova rewards will live up to their promises, given Zkylink's reputation as an innovative blockchain project with a solid team. On the other hand, there are also concerns that the rewards will be disappointing, given the bitter experience of the Holograph airdrop, which failed to meet expectations. Only time will tell whether the Zkylink Nova airdrop will be a success or not. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Monitor official information: Follow the latest developments through Zkylink Nova's official website and social media to get the latest information on airdrop distribution. Don't be easily fooled by rumors: Avoid spreading or believing rumors circulating on the internet. Beware of scams: Be wary of parties promising help in getting the Zkylink Nova airdrop. Let's wait and see together how the Zkylink Nova airdrop distribution turns out. #AirdropZklinkNova #Web3 #REWARDS #Blockchain #Crypto $ETH $BNB $BTC
Airdrop Zklink Nova: Will It Meet Expectations or Repeat the Disappointment of the Holograph Airdrop?

Following the success of the HLG airdrop, many communities are eagerly awaiting the rewards from the Zklink Nova airdrop mission. The question is, will the promised rewards meet expectations or will they repeat the disappointment of the Holograph airdrop?

So far, there has been no official information on the Zkylink Nova airdrop distribution date. There are many speculations and rumors circulating, but nothing can be confirmed.

Some communities are optimistic that the Zkylink Nova rewards will live up to their promises, given Zkylink's reputation as an innovative blockchain project with a solid team.

On the other hand, there are also concerns that the rewards will be disappointing, given the bitter experience of the Holograph airdrop, which failed to meet expectations.

Only time will tell whether the Zkylink Nova airdrop will be a success or not.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Monitor official information: Follow the latest developments through Zkylink Nova's official website and social media to get the latest information on airdrop distribution.

Don't be easily fooled by rumors: Avoid spreading or believing rumors circulating on the internet.

Beware of scams: Be wary of parties promising help in getting the Zkylink Nova airdrop.

Let's wait and see together how the Zkylink Nova airdrop distribution turns out.

#AirdropZklinkNova #Web3 #REWARDS #Blockchain #Crypto $ETH $BNB $BTC
Holograph HLG: Will It Be Listed on Binance? Holograph (HLG), a full-chain NFT protocol, has captured the attention of the crypto community with its innovative technology and vast market potential. Since the announcement of HLG's tokenomics with a total supply of 10 billion tokens and an initial circulation of 15.25%, speculations about a listing on the Binance exchange have been rife. Here's a roundup of the latest information regarding HLG's listing on Binance: Official Announcement: On May 10, 2024, Holograph officially announced its tokenomics through Binance Square, hinting at a potential partnership and future listing. Binance Promotion: Binance launched its "Binance Web3 Wallet Exclusive" program, offering 25 million HLG tokens to users who complete specific tasks. This program runs until August 31, 2024, and signals Binance's optimism towards HLG. Price Movement: HLG's price has experienced a significant surge since the Binance announcement, indicating high investor interest. HLG's 24-hour trading volume reached USD 16.63 million, with a 157.70% increase in the last 24 hours. While there has been no official announcement from Binance, various indicators suggest the possibility of HLG's listing in the future. Factors such as HLG's innovative technology, a growing community, and the partnership with Binance support this possibility. However, it is crucial to remember that the crypto market is speculative, and there is no guarantee that HLG will be listed on Binance. Investors should conduct their own research and consider the risks before making any investment decisions. Are you interested in the potential listing of Holograph (HLG) on Binance? Share your thoughts in the comments below! #Binance #HLG #Web3Wallet
Holograph HLG: Will It Be Listed on Binance?

Holograph (HLG), a full-chain NFT protocol, has captured the attention of the crypto community with its innovative technology and vast market potential. Since the announcement of HLG's tokenomics with a total supply of 10 billion tokens and an initial circulation of 15.25%, speculations about a listing on the Binance exchange have been rife.

Here's a roundup of the latest information regarding HLG's listing on Binance:

Official Announcement: On May 10, 2024, Holograph officially announced its tokenomics through Binance Square, hinting at a potential partnership and future listing.

Binance Promotion: Binance launched its "Binance Web3 Wallet Exclusive" program, offering 25 million HLG tokens to users who complete specific tasks. This program runs until August 31, 2024, and signals Binance's optimism towards HLG.

Price Movement: HLG's price has experienced a significant surge since the Binance announcement, indicating high investor interest. HLG's 24-hour trading volume reached USD 16.63 million, with a 157.70% increase in the last 24 hours.

While there has been no official announcement from Binance, various indicators suggest the possibility of HLG's listing in the future. Factors such as HLG's innovative technology, a growing community, and the partnership with Binance support this possibility.

However, it is crucial to remember that the crypto market is speculative, and there is no guarantee that HLG will be listed on Binance. Investors should conduct their own research and consider the risks before making any investment decisions.

Are you interested in the potential listing of Holograph (HLG) on Binance? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

#Binance #HLG #Web3Wallet
Binance Users' Disappointment with the Holograph Airdrop which is Considered Disappointing Binance users recently expressed their disappointment with the Holograph (HLG) airdrop held via Binance's web3 wallet. This airdrop offers a reward of 12.5 million HLG tokens for each mission completed, for a total of two missions: minting NFTs with the BNB network and bridging NFTs from the BNB network to Polygon. However, when the rewards were distributed, users only received an average of 205.3291 HLG, which is equivalent to just $2 at current prices. This caused disappointment because many users had spent more than $2 in initial capital to take part in this airdrop. Here are some user complaints: User A: "Useless! On other exchanges the price is only $0.02237 per coin, which is only $2 per wallet. Binance profits are becoming useless day by day." User B: "Why did we all only get a total of 205.3291 HLG? Weren't we supposed to receive 25 million Holographs for completing 2 missions? It's annoying that there was no serious response from Binance." User C: "There are 25 million tokens distributed to everyone who mints NFTs. Each person gets 205 HLG. About 120,000 participants x 25,000,000 / 120,000." #Binance #HLG #Web3
Binance Users' Disappointment with the Holograph Airdrop which is Considered Disappointing

Binance users recently expressed their disappointment with the Holograph (HLG) airdrop held via Binance's web3 wallet. This airdrop offers a reward of 12.5 million HLG tokens for each mission completed, for a total of two missions: minting NFTs with the BNB network and bridging NFTs from the BNB network to Polygon.

However, when the rewards were distributed, users only received an average of 205.3291 HLG, which is equivalent to just $2 at current prices. This caused disappointment because many users had spent more than $2 in initial capital to take part in this airdrop.

Here are some user complaints:
User A: "Useless! On other exchanges the price is only $0.02237 per coin, which is only $2 per wallet. Binance profits are becoming useless day by day."

User B: "Why did we all only get a total of 205.3291 HLG? Weren't we supposed to receive 25 million Holographs for completing 2 missions? It's annoying that there was no serious response from Binance."

User C: "There are 25 million tokens distributed to everyone who mints NFTs. Each person gets 205 HLG. About 120,000 participants x 25,000,000 / 120,000."

#Binance #HLG #Web3
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