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“回溯币圈 312 那场大暴跌:新人胆战,老鸟从容!” 今日,让咱们一同谈谈币圈史册中的“暗黑 312”——2020 年 3 月 12 日的那次重大暴跌,给刚涉足币圈的伙伴们领略一番币圈的狂风巨浪。 3 月 8 日:比特币自 9200 美元猛然下落到 8300 美元,ETH 由 250 美元滑落至 210 美元,众人皆觉,此乃抄底的绝佳契机! 3 月 9 日:比特币再度从 8300 美元降至 7700 美元,ETH 也从 210 美元跌至 190 美元,连续两日下跌,大家开始认定其性价比颇高,持续抄底! 3 月 10 日与 11 日:市场起伏不定,众人看多,纷纷大举买入,心里想着这回稳当了。 3 月 12 日:剧情惊天逆转,比特币在一日之内由 8000 美元暴跌至 5500 美元,ETH 从 200 美元猛跌至 120 美元,跌幅分别达 31%和 40%!山寨币更是跌得让人晕头转向,312 事件就此诞生。 3 月 13 日:比特币和 ETH 继续下挫,众人基本都陷入崩溃,从事合约的小伙伴们,无论做多还是做空,皆爆仓了,真可谓“一切归零”。 段子时刻: 新人:“哎呀,币圈这是咋回事呀?” 老鸟:“冷静,这皆是磨砺。” 市场:“你们以为这就结束了?不,这仅仅是开端 sol 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但仍有一群志同道合的社区志愿者坚定不移,始终坚守做事。既然没有退路可走,那就必然一飞冲天!
“回溯币圈 312 那场大暴跌:新人胆战,老鸟从容!”

今日,让咱们一同谈谈币圈史册中的“暗黑 312”——2020 年 3 月 12 日的那次重大暴跌,给刚涉足币圈的伙伴们领略一番币圈的狂风巨浪。

3 月 8 日:比特币自 9200 美元猛然下落到 8300 美元,ETH 由 250 美元滑落至 210 美元,众人皆觉,此乃抄底的绝佳契机!

3 月 9 日:比特币再度从 8300 美元降至 7700 美元,ETH 也从 210 美元跌至 190 美元,连续两日下跌,大家开始认定其性价比颇高,持续抄底!

3 月 10 日与 11 日:市场起伏不定,众人看多,纷纷大举买入,心里想着这回稳当了。

3 月 12 日:剧情惊天逆转,比特币在一日之内由 8000 美元暴跌至 5500 美元,ETH 从 200 美元猛跌至 120 美元,跌幅分别达 31%和 40%!山寨币更是跌得让人晕头转向,312 事件就此诞生。

3 月 13 日:比特币和 ETH 继续下挫,众人基本都陷入崩溃,从事合约的小伙伴们,无论做多还是做空,皆爆仓了,真可谓“一切归零”。




sol 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但仍有一群志同道合的社区志愿者坚定不移,始终坚守做事。既然没有退路可走,那就必然一飞冲天!
我曾历经两轮牛市与众多次市场的崩塌。 我清晰地知晓个中缘由: - 撤离市场意味着当下保持冷静,可六个月后会心生错失机会的恐惧(FOMO)。 - 积攒头寸会在当下承受压力,但六个月后或许能收获数百万美元。 这全然取决于您:当下的七个绝佳策略如下👇 1/ 实际审视 - 当下牛市已然终结,加密货币仿佛陷入末日,众人惶恐不安。 - 曾有过更为严峻的情形。 - 我们本该早些获利?诚然。 - 下跌既已出现,那让我们思索后续的行动方向。 2/ 策略变更 - 摒弃冒险之举,因其无异于赌博。 - 若无稳定币,则持有;若有,便购入更多。 - 仅购置实力强劲且久经考验的币种。 3/ 市场的不确定性 - 市场充满变数。 - 流动性会率先涌入 btc与 $ETH,然而除此之外难以明晰。 - 我已搜集了七种低风险的有力代币,当下开始积累。 4/ btc和 $ETH - 主要的投资应当聚焦于 btc与 $ETH。 - 这些代币将成为长期的成功投资之选。 - 昨日的交易量于 24 小时内达至 2440 亿美元。 5/ @solana - $SOL - $SOL 是长期投资的成功之选。 - 除 $ETH 外,它是唯一实用的山寨币。 - 以 115 - 120 美元的价格购入,持续关注市场动态。 6/ @ton_blockchain - $TON - $TON 生态系统营销出色,颇具吸引力。 - 自 $TON 为 2 美元时便持有,当下亦是入场的良机。 7/ @pepecoineth - $PEPE - 模因币(memecoins)与长期投资的核心基础策略。 - 市值:33.2 亿美元 - 价格:0.0(5)8040 美元。 8/ 补充建议 - 当下勿进行任何重大的重新平衡(除将山寨币转至 $ETH 外)。 - 切勿锁定头寸。 - 没有稳定币?只需持有。 在这个周期中存活下来的人,将携数百万美元离场$SOL 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但社区坚定不移,始终坚守做事。


- 撤离市场意味着当下保持冷静,可六个月后会心生错失机会的恐惧(FOMO)。
- 积攒头寸会在当下承受压力,但六个月后或许能收获数百万美元。

1/ 实际审视

- 当下牛市已然终结,加密货币仿佛陷入末日,众人惶恐不安。
- 曾有过更为严峻的情形。
- 我们本该早些获利?诚然。
- 下跌既已出现,那让我们思索后续的行动方向。
2/ 策略变更
- 摒弃冒险之举,因其无异于赌博。
- 若无稳定币,则持有;若有,便购入更多。
- 仅购置实力强劲且久经考验的币种。
3/ 市场的不确定性
- 市场充满变数。
- 流动性会率先涌入 btc与 $ETH,然而除此之外难以明晰。
- 我已搜集了七种低风险的有力代币,当下开始积累。
4/ btc和 $ETH
- 主要的投资应当聚焦于 btc与 $ETH。
- 这些代币将成为长期的成功投资之选。
- 昨日的交易量于 24 小时内达至 2440 亿美元。
5/ @solana - $SOL
- $SOL 是长期投资的成功之选。
- 除 $ETH 外,它是唯一实用的山寨币。
- 以 115 - 120 美元的价格购入,持续关注市场动态。
6/ @ton_blockchain - $TON
- $TON 生态系统营销出色,颇具吸引力。
- 自 $TON 为 2 美元时便持有,当下亦是入场的良机。
7/ @pepecoineth - $PEPE
- 模因币(memecoins)与长期投资的核心基础策略。
- 市值:33.2 亿美元
- 价格:0.0(5)8040 美元。
8/ 补充建议
- 当下勿进行任何重大的重新平衡(除将山寨币转至 $ETH 外)。
- 切勿锁定头寸。
- 没有稳定币?只需持有。

在这个周期中存活下来的人,将携数百万美元离场$SOL 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但社区坚定不移,始终坚守做事。
提前布局这些币,25年将会让你赚的盆满钵满❕ 1. 比特币 ($BTC ):80,000 美元 - 100,000 美元(上涨 29.67%)🚀 2. 柴犬 ($SHIB ):0.05 美元 - 0.09 美元(上涨 338,653%)🔥 3. 以太坊 ($ETH ):4,000 美元 - 4,500 美元 🌟 4. Solana (SOL):600 美元 - 1,000 美元 🌞 5. 狗狗币 ($DOGE ):0.67 美元 - 1.45 美元 🐕 6. Avalanche ($AVAX ):63 美元❄️ 7. 人工智能超级智能联盟 ($FET ):3.47 美元 - 5 美元🤖 8. 币安币 ($BNB ): 1,000 - 1,500 💼 9. 通币 ($TON ): 10 - 26 💎 10. Cortex ($CTXC ): 0.64 - 1 📈 2024 年的首选和雄心勃勃的目标:我想自由,不管什么 ,让我想起玛丽安娜的自由帽,我找到了sol链的弗里热 来加密市场就是为了自由 ,自由也符合普通人一生的追求,今天买入象征自由的弗里热 ,让我们寄语美好的未来,相信自由的力量。 $NOT #PHRYGES #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $SOL

1. 比特币 ($BTC ):80,000 美元 - 100,000 美元(上涨 29.67%)🚀
2. 柴犬 ($SHIB ):0.05 美元 - 0.09 美元(上涨 338,653%)🔥
3. 以太坊 ($ETH ):4,000 美元 - 4,500 美元 🌟
4. Solana (SOL):600 美元 - 1,000 美元 🌞
5. 狗狗币 ($DOGE ):0.67 美元 - 1.45 美元 🐕
6. Avalanche ($AVAX ):63 美元❄️
7. 人工智能超级智能联盟 ($FET ):3.47 美元 - 5 美元🤖
8. 币安币 ($BNB ): 1,000 - 1,500 💼
9. 通币 ($TON ): 10 - 26 💎
10. Cortex ($CTXC ): 0.64 - 1 📈 2024 年的首选和雄心勃勃的目标:我想自由,不管什么 ,让我想起玛丽安娜的自由帽,我找到了sol链的弗里热 来加密市场就是为了自由 ,自由也符合普通人一生的追求,今天买入象征自由的弗里热 ,让我们寄语美好的未来,相信自由的力量。
$NOT #PHRYGES #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $SOL
$BTC Bitcoin ETFs have traded about $2.5b so far, a lot for 10:45am, but not too crazy (full history below). If you bitcoin bull you actually DONT want to see crazy volume today as ETF volume on bad days is a pretty reliable measure of fear. On flip, deep liquidity on bad days is part of what traders and institutions love about ETFs, so you also want to see volume too, good for the long term. Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息?
$BTC Bitcoin ETFs have traded about $2.5b so far, a lot for 10:45am, but not too crazy (full history below). If you bitcoin bull you actually DONT want to see crazy volume today as ETF volume on bad days is a pretty reliable measure of fear.

On flip, deep liquidity on bad days is part of what traders and institutions love about ETFs, so you also want to see volume too, good for the long term.

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息?
$BTC Based on the provided context, Elon Musk seems to have expressed concerns about the financial market and the Federal Reserve's decisions. He suggested that the current financial situation may not be favorable for investments beyond Treasury bills, indicating a potential expectation of a market correction. He also criticized the Federal Reserve for not lowering interest rates sooner, implying that such a move could have been beneficial for the economy. The arrival of the Olympic Games will undoubtedly give birth to a hundredfold MEME, the biggest hot spot is what? The flowing athlete, the mascot of eternity.#PHRYGES $SOL #加密市场急跌 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
$BTC Based on the provided context, Elon Musk seems to have expressed concerns about the financial market and the Federal Reserve's decisions.

He suggested that the current financial situation may not be favorable for investments beyond Treasury bills, indicating a potential expectation of a market correction. He also criticized the Federal Reserve for not lowering interest rates sooner, implying that such a move could have been beneficial for the economy.

The arrival of the Olympic Games will undoubtedly give birth to a hundredfold MEME, the biggest hot spot is what? The flowing athlete, the mascot of eternity.#PHRYGES $SOL #加密市场急跌 #BTC走势分析 #美联储何时降息?
你以为是山底,其实还是半山腰! 805值得记住吗?拭目以待吧,说不定就会有一款终生难忘的806或807。屋顶很高,低买可以淡定! 如今,805币圈一片哀嚎。很多人都叫嚣着抄底。 USDT的OTC溢价已达到7.6。我个人的建议是,目前的底部可能还不是真正的底部。大家抄底的时候一定要冷静!原因如下: 预计美股开盘下跌,美股下跌将带动加密货币市场继续下跌。 美联储的特别会议并不可信。美国人的工作效率从来就不值得信赖。利率不会立即提高,效益也不会立即显现。 战争风险。中东局势十分紧张,随时可能爆发。军费需要用币圈来支付。 抄底买入的赌徒有很多。人越多,庄家就越反人类,一定要清理掉。以上是我个人的看法! 个人观点:币圈只关系大局和庄家。 $BTC $ETH #PHRYGES

如今,805币圈一片哀嚎。很多人都叫嚣着抄底。 USDT的OTC溢价已达到7.6。我个人的建议是,目前的底部可能还不是真正的底部。大家抄底的时候一定要冷静!原因如下:

$ETH You may not believe it, but although Ethereum has fallen so hard, the bull market pattern of Ethereum has not yet been destroyed: First of all, Ethereum has not fallen below the upward trend line; secondly, the four waves of Ethereum are not coincident with the first wave (according to the wave theory, in the five-wave bull market structure, the fourth wave cannot coincide with the first wave). Ethereum has now fallen to the support level, but Bitcoin's current position lacks effective support and may continue to fall to around 43,000. If Bitcoin continues to fall, will Ethereum be taken below the support level? This is what I am currently worried about. Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.#加密市场反弹
$ETH You may not believe it, but although Ethereum has fallen so hard, the bull market pattern of Ethereum has not yet been destroyed:

First of all, Ethereum has not fallen below the upward trend line; secondly, the four waves of Ethereum are not coincident with the first wave (according to the wave theory, in the five-wave bull market structure, the fourth wave cannot coincide with the first wave).

Ethereum has now fallen to the support level, but Bitcoin's current position lacks effective support and may continue to fall to around 43,000.

If Bitcoin continues to fall, will Ethereum be taken below the support level? This is what I am currently worried about.

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.#加密市场反弹
If we look at the past 94, 5.19, 3.12, and now the 8.05 crash, we will find that every bull market is about to come after a sharp decline. Perhaps this crash will become a marker in crypto history, along with a bull market to come. The crypto market went through a deep washout before the bull run. Some people attribute this crash-like correction to the failure of continuous storage regulation, thinking that this is the biggest negative. However, the market is always concerned about interest rate cuts and interest rate increases. The interest rate cut was considered a good thing, but now that it has been decided, some people say that the interest rate cut is too little and is a bad thing. And if the rate of interest rate cuts increases in the future, it is considered to be a need for funds, which is also negative. In addition, some events such as tensions in the Middle East, Bitcoin compensation, Trump's situation, etc. are regarded as negative factors for the market. In fact, past history also tells us that every bull market is caused by a crash. Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) C
If we look at the past 94, 5.19, 3.12, and now the 8.05 crash, we will find that every bull market is about to come after a sharp decline. Perhaps this crash will become a marker in crypto history, along with a bull market to come. The crypto market went through a deep washout before the bull run. Some people attribute this crash-like correction to the failure of continuous storage regulation, thinking that this is the biggest negative. However, the market is always concerned about interest rate cuts and interest rate increases. The interest rate cut was considered a good thing, but now that it has been decided, some people say that the interest rate cut is too little and is a bad thing. And if the rate of interest rate cuts increases in the future, it is considered to be a need for funds, which is also negative. In addition, some events such as tensions in the Middle East, Bitcoin compensation, Trump's situation, etc. are regarded as negative factors for the market. In fact, past history also tells us that every bull market is caused by a crash.

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC
This morning, the head of the Swiss Bank called me. He told me that the 20 billion fixed deposit I had there was due and asked when I was going to withdraw it. I was really confused because I'd never saved any money there. Then, I asked in the family group and found out that when I was in primary school, my dad bought several thousand BTC and put them in the Swiss Bank. Back then, they were bought for just a few yuan each, but now they're worth 20 billion dollars. When a person suddenly gets rich, they really don't know how to spend the money. At that time, I'll even get a Rolls-Royce Cullinan for my nanny. Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC $1000SATS
This morning, the head of the Swiss Bank called me. He told me that the 20 billion fixed deposit I had there was due and asked when I was going to withdraw it. I was really confused because I'd never saved any money there. Then, I asked in the family group and found out that when I was in primary school, my dad bought several thousand BTC and put them in the Swiss Bank. Back then, they were bought for just a few yuan each, but now they're worth 20 billion dollars. When a person suddenly gets rich, they really don't know how to spend the money. At that time, I'll even get a Rolls-Royce Cullinan for my nanny.

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC $1000SATS
You think it's the bottom, but in fact, it's still halfway up the mountain! Is 805 worth remembering? Wait and see, maybe there will be unforgettable 806 or 807. The rooftop is very high, be calm when bottom-fishing! Today, on 805, the cryptocurrency market is in mourning. Many people are yelling to bottom-fish. The off-exchange premium of USDT has reached 7.6. Personal advice from Xianxian: The current bottom may not be the real bottom. Everyone should be calm when bottom-fishing! The reasons are as follows: 1. The U.S. stock market is expected to open lower. A fall in the U.S. stock market will drive the cryptocurrency market to continue to decline. 2. The interim meeting of the Federal Reserve is not trustworthy. The efficiency of Americans has never been trustworthy. Interest rate hikes will not be implemented immediately, and good news will not come immediately. 3. War risks. The situation in the Middle East is very tense and can break out at any time. Military expenses need to be paid by the cryptocurrency market investors. 4. There are many gamblers bottom-fishing. The more people there are, the more anti-human the bookmaker is. It is necessary to clear out another wave.$BTC #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? #PHRYGES
You think it's the bottom, but in fact, it's still halfway up the mountain! Is 805 worth remembering? Wait and see, maybe there will be unforgettable 806 or 807. The rooftop is very high, be calm when bottom-fishing! Today, on 805, the cryptocurrency market is in mourning. Many people are yelling to bottom-fish. The off-exchange premium of USDT has reached 7.6. Personal advice from Xianxian: The current bottom may not be the real bottom. Everyone should be calm when bottom-fishing! The reasons are as follows:

1. The U.S. stock market is expected to open lower. A fall in the U.S. stock market will drive the cryptocurrency market to continue to decline.
2. The interim meeting of the Federal Reserve is not trustworthy. The efficiency of Americans has never been trustworthy. Interest rate hikes will not be implemented immediately, and good news will not come immediately.
3. War risks. The situation in the Middle East is very tense and can break out at any time. Military expenses need to be paid by the cryptocurrency market investors.
4. There are many gamblers bottom-fishing. The more people there are, the more anti-human the bookmaker is. It is necessary to clear out another wave.$BTC #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? #PHRYGES
我为何不让大家追空抄底?理由很简单,并非所有人都能承受得起失败的后果。在今日这个黑天鹅事件之后,我收到众多朋友的微信,亏损数额巨大,有亏 27 万 U 的,有 13 万 U 的,9 万 U 的,还有两三万 U 的,不一而足。然而,无人抱怨,毕竟币圈向来如此,高波动伴随着高收益。盈亏本就同源,享受了高收益,就得正视其风险。 不能盈利时眉开眼笑,亏损时骂骂咧咧。或者本身没钱,却妄图在币圈暴富,如此心态必然导致行为扭曲。在币圈,即便不用杠杆,你的恐惧与贪婪也会被无限放大。 抄底,风险极大。49xxx 看似稳定,若入场后跌至 45000,你能否接受?不能就别抄底。抄底如何操作?紧盯交易,止损后到下一个低点等待,一路止损一路抄,直至抄到坚实底部。试问自己,能否做到?仓位管理能否跟上?做不到凭什么抄底?难道凭高倍全仓不止损,想起来看一眼,想不起来便不管不顾? 追空,在已超跌的情况下,若无外部因素和黑天鹅事件,必然会反弹。此时追空,若未遇消息面和黑天鹅,定会被套牢。难道要等下一个黑天鹅来解救? 反弹时不让做多,去瞧瞧肯特钠,4 小时级别是否回到 kc1 下轨?若未回归,这未必是 V 形反转,或许只是反弹。万一后半夜行情突变呢? 为何你们的交易总是如此轻率?闭目高倍梭哈,就等着赚钱?钱不好赚,这连小朋友都明白的道理,股市如同收割机,币圈则是 V12 发动机双涡轮增压的超级联合收割机。 $BTC $SOL #加密市场急跌 #JumpTrading转移资产 #PHRYGES
我为何不让大家追空抄底?理由很简单,并非所有人都能承受得起失败的后果。在今日这个黑天鹅事件之后,我收到众多朋友的微信,亏损数额巨大,有亏 27 万 U 的,有 13 万 U 的,9 万 U 的,还有两三万 U 的,不一而足。然而,无人抱怨,毕竟币圈向来如此,高波动伴随着高收益。盈亏本就同源,享受了高收益,就得正视其风险。


抄底,风险极大。49xxx 看似稳定,若入场后跌至 45000,你能否接受?不能就别抄底。抄底如何操作?紧盯交易,止损后到下一个低点等待,一路止损一路抄,直至抄到坚实底部。试问自己,能否做到?仓位管理能否跟上?做不到凭什么抄底?难道凭高倍全仓不止损,想起来看一眼,想不起来便不管不顾?


反弹时不让做多,去瞧瞧肯特钠,4 小时级别是否回到 kc1 下轨?若未回归,这未必是 V 形反转,或许只是反弹。万一后半夜行情突变呢?

为何你们的交易总是如此轻率?闭目高倍梭哈,就等着赚钱?钱不好赚,这连小朋友都明白的道理,股市如同收割机,币圈则是 V12 发动机双涡轮增压的超级联合收割机。

$BTC $SOL #加密市场急跌 #JumpTrading转移资产 #PHRYGES
一件极端的事情,两面看。 如果美股继续崩溃,可能会逼着美联储改变降息的时间和基准点位。 闭门会议后,如果,我是说如果 临时决定八月降息 或者将九月降息的基准从25上调到50 那么我们熬过这一段行情后 阳光依然灿烂 我的朋友,你相信有光吗? 如今,一个绝无仅有的巨大机遇就呈现在眼前!sol 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但仍有一群志同道合的社区志愿者坚定不移,始终坚守做事。既然没有退路可走,那就必然一飞冲天!
一件极端的事情,两面看。 如果美股继续崩溃,可能会逼着美联储改变降息的时间和基准点位。 闭门会议后,如果,我是说如果 临时决定八月降息 或者将九月降息的基准从25上调到50 那么我们熬过这一段行情后 阳光依然灿烂 我的朋友,你相信有光吗?
如今,一个绝无仅有的巨大机遇就呈现在眼前!sol 链的#PHRYGES 全面流通,社区自治如火如荼。一半的代币已被销毁,虽历经两次归零的重创,但仍有一群志同道合的社区志愿者坚定不移,始终坚守做事。既然没有退路可走,那就必然一飞冲天!
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the market so prosperous. I was so moved that I cried. On August 25, 2024, the price of Bitcoin is likely to be between $64,496.64 and $59,717.65. This prediction is based on current market trends, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event in April 2024, and overall market sentiment towards the cryptocurrency.The Bitcoin halving event occurs approximately every four years and is expected to have a significant impact on the price of Bitcoin. Historically, Bitcoin prices have surged following halving events as a decrease in the rate at which new Bitcoins are created increases scarcity and potentially drives up demand.In addition to the halving event, the recent approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in January 2024 has also contributed to the positive market sentiment towards Bitcoin. The launch of the Bitcoin ETF is expected to attract more institutional investors and increase the overall liquidity of the Bitcoin market.However, it is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and is affected by a variety of external factors, such as regulatory changes, global economic conditions and market sentiment. Therefore, the actual price of Bitcoin on August 25, 2024 may differ from our predictions.It is also worth mentioning that the price of Bitcoin has seen significant growth over the past few years, with its value reaching an all-time high of $68,789 on November 10, 2021. Although prices have since experienced a decline, the overall trend is positive, with prices almost doubling between January and July in the first half of 2023 Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the market so prosperous. I was so moved that I cried.

On August 25, 2024, the price of Bitcoin is likely to be between $64,496.64 and $59,717.65. This prediction is based on current market trends, the upcoming Bitcoin halving event in April 2024, and overall market sentiment towards the cryptocurrency.The Bitcoin halving event occurs approximately every four years and is expected to have a significant impact on the price of Bitcoin. Historically, Bitcoin prices have surged following halving events as a decrease in the rate at which new Bitcoins are created increases scarcity and potentially drives up demand.In addition to the halving event, the recent approval of a Bitcoin ETF by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in January 2024 has also contributed to the positive market sentiment towards Bitcoin. The launch of the Bitcoin ETF is expected to attract more institutional investors and increase the overall liquidity of the Bitcoin market.However, it is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and is affected by a variety of external factors, such as regulatory changes, global economic conditions and market sentiment. Therefore, the actual price of Bitcoin on August 25, 2024 may differ from our predictions.It is also worth mentioning that the price of Bitcoin has seen significant growth over the past few years, with its value reaching an all-time high of $68,789 on November 10, 2021. Although prices have since experienced a decline, the overall trend is positive, with prices almost doubling between January and July in the first half of 2023

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC
在当前的经济形势下, pepe和orai 的投资机会值得关注。降息前的最后一次大幅下跌,或许是难得的契机。一旦 9 月开启降息,那么 8 月中旬可能就会有资金悄然撤离。然而,其上涨速度同样迅猛,无疑是投资者的黄金时刻。 Pepe堪称假币领域的翘楚,ordi则是铭文里面的佼佼者,建议大家可考虑分批购入。回溯过往,2004 至 2006 年期间,美国联邦区联合会成功加息多达 17 次,均为渐进式操作,每次加息幅度为 1 码,逐步将利率调整至 5.25%。直至 2008 年金融危机爆发以及随之而来的大衰退,经济形势急转直下,美国联邦区联合会采取了惊人举措,大幅降息 100 个基点,使利率趋近于零,这在当时是联邦区联合会历史上最为积极的经济救市行动之一。 最后推荐一下#PHRYGES 这是我最近看好的币,社区共识强,氛围挺好的,叙事是象征着自由的自由帽,挺不错的,可以埋伏一手
在当前的经济形势下, pepe和orai 的投资机会值得关注。降息前的最后一次大幅下跌,或许是难得的契机。一旦 9 月开启降息,那么 8 月中旬可能就会有资金悄然撤离。然而,其上涨速度同样迅猛,无疑是投资者的黄金时刻。

Pepe堪称假币领域的翘楚,ordi则是铭文里面的佼佼者,建议大家可考虑分批购入。回溯过往,2004 至 2006 年期间,美国联邦区联合会成功加息多达 17 次,均为渐进式操作,每次加息幅度为 1 码,逐步将利率调整至 5.25%。直至 2008 年金融危机爆发以及随之而来的大衰退,经济形势急转直下,美国联邦区联合会采取了惊人举措,大幅降息 100 个基点,使利率趋近于零,这在当时是联邦区联合会历史上最为积极的经济救市行动之一。

最后推荐一下#PHRYGES 这是我最近看好的币,社区共识强,氛围挺好的,叙事是象征着自由的自由帽,挺不错的,可以埋伏一手
$ORDI When it dropped to $3, did any of you dare to bottom-fish? None of you did! Now I tell you that there is a project on the chain that I am very optimistic about. It has risen more than 50 times and then pulled back to the level before the rise. Do you dare to bottom-fish now? What I'm talking about is #PHRYGES . This coin has experienced major ups and downs. The community is still there, the narrative is good, and the popularity hasn't gone. Those who have the guts can try investing a small amount of funds.
$ORDI When it dropped to $3, did any of you dare to bottom-fish? None of you did! Now I tell you that there is a project on the chain that I am very optimistic about. It has risen more than 50 times and then pulled back to the level before the rise.

Do you dare to bottom-fish now? What I'm talking about is #PHRYGES . This coin has experienced major ups and downs. The community is still there, the narrative is good, and the popularity hasn't gone. Those who have the guts can try investing a small amount of funds.
Although the entire circle is crying out in pain due to the decline, look at the monthly line of Bitcoin. It's still okay. From 73,000 to 52,000, the decline is only about 30%! (73,000 - 52,000) / 73,000 * 100% = 28.7% A 30% decline is quite normal. The bull market is still there, but it just looks a bit bearish temporarily. This is a normal correction in a big bull market! You can check the correction range during previous bull markets. A 30% decline is very normal. 2. If you have money, buy some Bitcoin. Next year, you will be grateful for your operation. Rest assured that the big bull market will only end next year. The first small peak will be in March 2025, and the second peak will be in October 2025. The big bull of this cycle will completely end then!3. Before October 2025, all declines are good opportunities to increase positions! Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC $ETH $SOL #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC
Although the entire circle is crying out in pain due to the decline, look at the monthly line of Bitcoin. It's still okay. From 73,000 to 52,000, the decline is only about 30%!
(73,000 - 52,000) / 73,000 * 100% = 28.7%
A 30% decline is quite normal. The bull market is still there, but it just looks a bit bearish temporarily. This is a normal correction in a big bull market! You can check the correction range during previous bull markets. A 30% decline is very normal.

2. If you have money, buy some Bitcoin. Next year, you will be grateful for your operation. Rest assured that the big bull market will only end next year. The first small peak will be in March 2025, and the second peak will be in October 2025. The big bull of this cycle will completely end then!3. Before October 2025, all declines are good opportunities to increase positions!

Finally, I recommend #PHRYGES . This is a coin that I am optimistic about recently. It has strong community consensus and a good atmosphere. The narrative is the freedom hat that symbolizes freedom. It is quite good and can ambush.$BTC $ETH $SOL #美联储何时降息? #美国政府转移BTC
$PEPE 在降息前夕,这或许是你们最后的绝佳机遇。一旦九月开始降息,那么在八月中旬就可能会有人悄然离场。上涨的速度也会相当迅速。 这无疑是属于你们的宝贵时刻。Pepe堪称假币领域的翘楚,Near则是具备AI潜力的佼佼者。你们不妨考虑分批购入。 美国联邦区联合会在 2004 至 2006 年期间,成功进行了 17 次加息,均为渐进式,每次加息幅度为 1 码,逐步将利率调整至 5.25%。 然而,到了 2008 年,金融危机爆发,紧接着是大衰退,经济形势急转直下。在此情形下,美国联邦区联合会做出了令人意想不到的举动,那便是降息 100 个基点,将利率降至接近零的区间,这在当时堪称联邦区联合会历史上最为积极的经济救市举措之一。 最后推荐一下#PHRYGES 这是我最近看好的币,社区共识强,氛围挺好的,叙事是象征着自由的自由帽,挺不错的,可以埋伏一手


美国联邦区联合会在 2004 至 2006 年期间,成功进行了 17 次加息,均为渐进式,每次加息幅度为 1 码,逐步将利率调整至 5.25%。

然而,到了 2008 年,金融危机爆发,紧接着是大衰退,经济形势急转直下。在此情形下,美国联邦区联合会做出了令人意想不到的举动,那便是降息 100 个基点,将利率降至接近零的区间,这在当时堪称联邦区联合会历史上最为积极的经济救市举措之一。

最后推荐一下#PHRYGES 这是我最近看好的币,社区共识强,氛围挺好的,叙事是象征着自由的自由帽,挺不错的,可以埋伏一手
Amazing gains indeed$ETH firmly held building publicity phryges will lead to victory✌ My heart is firm and calm You won’t be frightened by a 99.9% drop. These negatives: recessionary interest rate cuts, war crisis in the Middle East It's all done mechanically This decline is just to clear the long leverage Cleaned up now Wall Street will definitely buy it tomorrow The violent bull market is about to begin I just feel the excitement I've never felt before #PHRYGES
Amazing gains indeed$ETH

firmly held building publicity phryges will lead to victory✌ My heart is firm and calm You won’t be frightened by a 99.9% drop. These negatives: recessionary interest rate cuts, war crisis in the Middle East It's all done mechanically This decline is just to clear the long leverage Cleaned up now Wall Street will definitely buy it tomorrow The violent bull market is about to begin I just feel the excitement I've never felt before #PHRYGES
My apologies. Having a drink. Continuing on…. Crashes are times When the brave get richer and the cowards get poorer…. Because they sell or do nothing. The world is filled with poor cowards. Be smart. Grow Some balls, stay calm, and invest when the cowards are quitting. Take care. $BTC $ETH #PHRYGES
My apologies. Having a drink. Continuing on…. Crashes are times When the brave get richer and the cowards get poorer…. Because they sell or do nothing. The world is filled with poor cowards. Be smart. Grow Some balls, stay calm, and invest when the cowards are quitting. Take care.
History seems to have a fate that is difficult to break! Whenever interest rates are cut, U.S. stocks fall into extreme panic and plummet all the way. Bitcoin has been cut in half, and altcoins have been wiped out! Since 2017, this phenomenon has never been an exception and has become an unchanging rule! All this shows that the Federal Reserve's control over the economy has completely failed, the haze of recession is overwhelming, and the market's trust in the Federal Reserve has dropped to rock bottom. In the current chaotic situation of more than 3,000 currencies, funds are extremely dispersed. Trying to capture a currency that has increased thousands of times or hundreds of times is simply a dream! In comparison, flatbread is undoubtedly the best choice! Secondly, position control is crucial! According to your own financial situation, it is enough to use about 30% of the funds for currency speculation. Do not take loans or stud! Investment must not affect normal life, otherwise it will turn into gambling, and gambling is destined to be a loser's game! Over the years, the market has gone through ups and downs, sometimes with momentum and indomitable momentum; sometimes it continues to fall, making people panic. But no matter what, it will eventually return to normal. Therefore, even if you are deeply trapped, as long as it is a mainstream currency, just wait patiently! $BTC $ETH #PHRYGES
History seems to have a fate that is difficult to break! Whenever interest rates are cut, U.S. stocks fall into extreme panic and plummet all the way. Bitcoin has been cut in half, and altcoins have been wiped out! Since 2017, this phenomenon has never been an exception and has become an unchanging rule! All this shows that the Federal Reserve's control over the economy has completely failed, the haze of recession is overwhelming, and the market's trust in the Federal Reserve has dropped to rock bottom. In the current chaotic situation of more than 3,000 currencies, funds are extremely dispersed. Trying to capture a currency that has increased thousands of times or hundreds of times is simply a dream! In comparison, flatbread is undoubtedly the best choice! Secondly, position control is crucial! According to your own financial situation, it is enough to use about 30% of the funds for currency speculation. Do not take loans or stud! Investment must not affect normal life, otherwise it will turn into gambling, and gambling is destined to be a loser's game! Over the years, the market has gone through ups and downs, sometimes with momentum and indomitable momentum; sometimes it continues to fall, making people panic. But no matter what, it will eventually return to normal. Therefore, even if you are deeply trapped, as long as it is a mainstream currency, just wait patiently!
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