#Looking For Scholarship. Name: Marlon Henrique Age: 29 Gender: Male Civil status: Single Nationality: Brazilian Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Occupation: Print shop owner/Designer/Gamer/Youtuber Experience: (Currently -Pegaxy - Mir4- Thetan Arena - Sunflower Farmers) Freefire Youtuber -Valorant -Counter Striker 1.6/2.0/Source/GO - CrossFire - GTA - Combat Arms - League of Legends - Perfect Wolrd - Habbo Hotel - Grand Fantasia MMORPG - Aura Kingdom - Mu Online - Mobile legends Device to used in Playing: 2 PC / Mobile Internet conection: network 100mbps/wifi How many hours per day can you dedicate to play: 18 hrs. Reason why we choose you: I would like to have some extra income or partnership to continue broadcasting live. I am a focused and dedicated person in business, I would like to have an opportunity in this universe of crypto, thank you