

This article is in continuation to my previous article in which I mentioned about the EMA,(Exponential Moving Average).

Many asked me to explain. Well if you guys have time please watch Moving Averages explained by many on YouTube. Those are very good to understand.

I will explain what I understand and experienced about these lines. Most of you must have seen the chart on the binance or any other exchange or platform.

You see in above pic the green and red marks, these are called candles. Green indicates positive and Red negative. When it is green the price is going up and its good to sell whereas red indicates price going down and its good to buy. Always remember to buy when its red but its one factor. There are many others which you also need to consider. For trade use 1m or 5m time frame but for analysis you must also use 15m and 1hr time lines.

Now let us see Moving Averages and how these help.

In the pic you see 3 lines, those are moving averages. The closest is EMA 7 meaning that graph will print a candle at an average of 7 candles if watching it on 1 minute line. And if it is 5m chart then you see a candle which is average of 5 candles in 5 minutes.

Low the EMA closer will be the line. The 2nd line is of 25 and 3rd of 99 EMA.

Simple rule you need to lean is these lines indicate past trend, 7EMA being the near past and 99 EMA being the distant past. If the candles are green these will be above EMA 7 line and red will be below the EMA 7 line.

If the EMA 7 line is above EMA 25 line and EMA 25 is above EMA 99 then it is a positive trend and prices go up. And if EMA 7 line is below these 2 lines its negative trend meaning you will see red candles and prices are going down.

Analysts say its best to buy whem low EMA line crosses higher EMA from below because prices are increasing.

Similarly if EMA 7 line crosses from above to down then its time to sell because prices will go down.

Plz remember there are many other factors which you will learn through experience. I have only talked about Spot trading on Binance where I trade for short sessions and earn low profits of 8-10 dollars in 1 sessions. Yesterday my Pnl was +28 dollars in 1 day.

You must watch YouTube videos on these subjects which are very helpful for beginners.

Good luck