Solana Labs Debuts Blockchain Loyalty Platform

Solana Labs has announced the launch of Bond, a platform designed to increase customer engagement through direct customer interactions, digital collectibles, and more.

In its publication, the company notes that Bond will provide brands, including non-cryptocurrency brands, with a platform “to create personalized, transparent, and engaging digital experiences that deepen customer connections and foster long-term loyalty.”

"Today's companies compete fiercely for customer attention and loyalty. Bond helps your brand go beyond mere transactions to turn every interaction into a lasting connection." - We can read on Bond website

Platform states that it will be able to eliminate the “critical limitations” of modern loyalty programs, namely the loss of connection with the end user if the product is ever resold or given away. The company promises that brands will not be required to have experience with blockchain, as the service will be available through a single application programming interface.

By using digital product identification, customers can verify the authenticity of a product, and brands can track their items even if they are subsequently resold or given away.


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