( 2) Two factors why new #investors should consider long-term investing:

1. *Compound Interest*: Long-term investing allows your returns to compound, potentially leading to significant growth over time. Even small, consistent investments can add up to a substantial sum.

New investors should consider long-term investing for two key reasons. Firstly, compound interest can work in their favor, allowing returns to build upon each other over time. This means that even small, consistent investments can snowball into a substantial sum, providing a significant nest egg for the future. By holding onto their investments, new investors can give their money time to grow and potentially earn higher returns.

2. *Market Volatility*: Cryptocurrency markets can be highly volatile in the short term, but historically, they have trended upward over the long term. By holding onto your investments, you can ride out market fluctuations and potentially benefit from the overall upward trend.

Market volatility is a natural part of the investment landscape, particularly in the cryptocurrency space. Prices can fluctuate rapidly, leading to short-term losses. However, historical trends show that markets tend to trend upward over the long term. By adopting a long-term perspective, new investors can ride out market fluctuations and potentially benefit from the overall upward trend. This approach requires patience and discipline but can lead to more stable and sustainable returns in the long run.

Remember, investing always involves some level of risk. It's essential to do your research, set clear goals, and consider your risk tolerance before investing.

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