what if I told you that it is possible to experience NULS technologies without giving up Bitcoin and the Ethereum ecosystem?
Recently, NULS integrated Bitcoin and Ethereum as native gas fees within its ecosystem. This means that holders of these cryptocurrencies can interact with NULS and its multichain and DeFi tools. For Bitcoin holders, #NULS  is creating a new second-layer module within its Chainbox tool that facilitates the development of modular blockchains. Through this module transactions with Bitcoin will be much faster, lighter and without network congestion, thanks to the high efficiency of the NULS blockchain further increasing the scalability and adoption of the market-leading cryptocurrency.
On the other hand, for Ethereum holders, the news now is that NULS is compatible with the EVM standard, which is the virtual machine that executes smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Visit the Nuls YouTube channel called (Nuls Blockchain) and find out more.