
Strategy Proof

I started at around 4 pm and finished session at around 7 pm. Earned 22 Dollars. See pics from 1 to 6. In the last trade I had o quit premature facing a down trend but over all arned 22 Dollars. Strategy is the same which I copied for you guys down below.

#dollar10 Do You want to earn $10 in every sitting?Follow these steps:1. Use Limit order on binance for buying and selling because it has the lowest fee.2. Do not cancel your order again and again because every time you order binance will charge fee.3. Fill in your order and wait. When your desired price is reached then click buy or sell button.4. Only go for small jumps of 10 to 15 dollars increase. Longer you wait it may go down. Be satisfied with few dollars earned.5. Be vigilant and observant all the time to take action at appropriate time.6. Be ready to loose few dollars if downward trend starts. Quit when ou feel it is going down and earlier the better.7. Use different coins which have upwards trend.Good luck.