21 Rules Of Bitcoin By @saylor:

1.Everyone who understands bitcoin buy bitcoin

2.Everyone is against bitcoin before they are for it

3. You will never be done learning about bitcoin

4.Bitcoin is powered by chaos

5.Bitcoin is the only game in the casino that we can all win

6.Bitcoin won’t protect you if you’re not wearing the armor

7.Bitcoin is the one thing in the universe that you can truly own

8.Everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve

9.Only buy bitcoin with the money you can’t afford to lose

10. Tickets to escape the matrix are priced in bitcoin

11.Bitcoin insight is restricted to those with a need to know

12.All your models will be destroyed

13.The cure to the economic ill is the orange pill

14. Be for bitcoin not against Fiat

15.Bitcoin is for everyone

16. Learn to think in bitcoin

17. You don’t change bitcoin, it changes you

18.Laser eyes protect you from endless lies

19.Respect bitcoin or it will make a clown out of you

20. You do not sell your bitcoin

21.Spread bitcoin with love