🔍OKX crypto exchange & SlowMist are on a detective hunt after a crafty SIM swap attack led to the theft of two user accounts. The culprit? An SMS from Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and a sneaky new API Key. 💰Millions are missing, but the exact amount is still a mystery.

🔐The plot thickens as it seems the exchange's 2FA security wasn't the weak link. Could it be that the attackers found a loophole to switch to a lower-security verification method? The jury's still out on that one.

🚫In other news, phishing attacks are on the rise, with a data breach at CoinGecko leading to over 23K phishing emails sent to victims. And it seems private key leaks are the main culprits of crypto hacks.

🔮Looking ahead, let's stay optimistic & vigilant. After all, every cloud has a silver lining, right? 💪What are your thoughts on this? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #TechNews

P.S. Remember, if it doesn't involve DeFi, Web 3, or Tech, we're not interested! 😉