Former Ripple executive explained why XRP could not rise.

Former Ripple Manager Sean McBride explained the reasons for this when he said that he did not expect a significant jump in XRP at the moment.

While XRP has been at the center of criticism for its poor performance for years, it has lost its position in the market over time, and while it was once one of the 4 largest cryptocurrencies, it is now ranked 7th with a market value of $ 26.8 billion.

As a crypto asset directly affected by Ripple's internal dynamics, XRP remains silent during general market increases and is not subject to sharp sales during price corrections. Although there has been a few positive news recently about XRP, which attracts attention with its price movements that differ from the market from time to time, reactions to current developments remain limited since the main issue of concern is the #SEC case.

Making statements about why #XRP has lost value despite the recent positive news, former Ripple Manager McBride said that no one should have expectations before the case is concluded.

Sean #McBride reiterated the general view that XRP price will not experience any significant movement until a final decision is made in the ongoing SEC and Ripple case. Therefore, McBride described those who have different expectations as dreamers.

In July last year, Ripple won a partial victory when US District Court Judge Torres ruled that individual sales of #XRP were not securities. After the value of XRP rapidly doubled at that time, the cryptocurrency closed July with a value increase of nearly 50%. However, in the following month, pricing related to the outcome of the case was completely withdrawn and XRP has continued its horizontal movement in the roughly 0.5-0.6 dollar range for nearly a year.

The incident that took place last year was the biggest proof that #XRP was connected to the Ripple case. Currently, there is a widespread opinion that if Ripple somehow overcomes the problems related to corporate XRP sales, the XRP price may be seriously triggered.