Core Chain: Leading the Future of Bitcoin Finance 👇👇👇👇👇 Pioneering Protocol: @Coredao_Org (go follow them) is the first live BTC staking protocol, positioned to dominate Bitcoin finance. 👉 Proven Mainnet: Core blockchain mainnet has been live since January 2023. BTC Staking launched in early 2024, utilizing Bitcoin-native features from the blockchain’s inception. 👉 Secure Custody: Exclusively uses Bitcoin-native features to secure BTC custody. Stakers earn CORE block rewards as yield for contributing to Core Chain’s security.. 👉 Key Features: Non-Custodial BTC Staking: Fully non-custodial, ensuring maximum security. Growing User Base: Leveraging an existing and expanding Core Chain community. Endogenous Yield: Earn yield through the CORE token. EVM-Compatible Ecosystem: Built to support BTCfi applications. BTC Re-Staking: Offers avenues to support Bitcoin App Chains, enhancing functionality and security. $core #ad