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($COS )Contentos aims to decentralize everything surrounding content creation, consumption, and distribution, and ensure everyone is getting their fair share. Since it uses the blockchain, everything is transparent and irreversible, promoting fairness.

Understanding Contentos ($COS )

Contentos is a blockchain-based platform that aims to empower content creators, consumers, and other relevant parties to earn fair dues for their contributions. Today’s content landscape is largely centralized, with platforms relying on advertising as a lifeline. The result is that content creators have to come up with “marketable” content instead of staying true to their creative spirit.  

This ad-driven content world stifles creators’ creativity. Is their true creative direction being traded for surface-level mass appeal? And at the end of the day, where is most of the money going? Indeed, the lion share of revenue is pumped to the corporate owners, leaving scraps for the influencers/creators. Needless to say, this kind of model is extremely unfair to the creators. The platform owners reap the biggest benefits, while the actual content producers walk away with pennies. 

The Contentos team wants to help change this because they believe every contributor to a content platform deserves their fair dues. Thus, Contentos takes advantage of blockchain-enabled tokenization to create fairer and more democratic content ecosystems. Creators, curators, distributors, verifiers – and more are rewarded with Contentos’ native token, $COS

Contentos says its vision is to “build a decentralized, global digital contact community that allows content to be freely produced, distributed, rewarded, and traded while protecting author rights.”