According to Odaily, a European Central Bank (ECB) official, Sentero, has noted that inflation in May accelerated slightly more than expected. This development will allow the initiation of a loosening cycle. The ECB official's statement indicates a potential shift in the bank's monetary policy, which could have significant implications for the European economy.

Inflation is a key factor that central banks consider when setting monetary policy. An acceleration in inflation could lead to a rise in interest rates, which could, in turn, impact borrowing costs for businesses and consumers. However, the ECB official's comments suggest that the bank may be considering a loosening cycle, which typically involves lowering interest rates to stimulate economic growth.

The slight acceleration in inflation in May, although higher than expected, appears to be within a range that the ECB is comfortable with, hence the consideration for a loosening cycle. This could be a positive development for businesses and consumers in the European Union, as lower interest rates could make borrowing cheaper, potentially stimulating economic activity.

However, it's important to note that the ECB's decision will likely depend on a range of factors, including the overall economic outlook and the trajectory of inflation in the coming months. The bank will likely continue to monitor these factors closely as it considers its next steps.