Luna Classic Price Prediction: Price History

While past performance isn’t a guarantee of future results, understanding LUNC’s price history can help provide context for interpreting or making a Terra Classic price prediction.

We’ll focus on LUNC since May 2022, but it’s useful to highlight its earlier days.

When Terra launched in July 2019, it was valued at about $1.30. This proved to be an overestimate, and the price dropped below a dollar, remaining there until early 2021. In January 2021, the token surpassed $1 and reached a high of $22.33 on March 21.

After a decline in the following months, the price surged later in the year, hitting $103.33 on December 27.

In early 2022, what was then known as #LUNA✅ saw significant price action, reaching a record high of $119.18 on April 5. Following a crash, it plummeted to a low of $0.00001675 on May 13. On May 28, the day the new $LUNA emerged and the old one became LUNC, the coin closed at $0.00009566. When the Celsius crypto-lending platform halted withdrawals, confirming the bear market, LUNC dropped to $0.0000517 on June 18. By late August, the price climbed, closing the month at $0.0002252.

The announcement of a 1.2% tax on blockchain transactions saw #TerraClassic peak at $0.0005888 on September 8, 2022. The tax proposal passed on September 21, but LUNC’s price fell to around $0.000185 on the morning of September 26.

By midday that day, after news of South Korean authorities contacting Interpol about Kwon and Binance implementing a 1.2% burn on LUNC trades, the price surged, with #LUNC trading at around $0.00031.

On October 2, 2022, it peaked at $0.0003613, before settling to about $0.00029 on October 12. Following the collapse of the FTX #exchange , LUNC fell to a low of $0.000148 on November 22 but rebounded to $0.0001658 on November 30.

On December 1, news broke that Binance had burned more than six billion $LUNC , significantly boosting the price, and by December 2, 2022, it was worth $0.0001805.
