Whitepaper Bitcoin satoshi Nakamoto

Il prezioso Whitepaper di Bitcoin del celebre Satoshi Nakamoto è finalmente tornato su Bitcoin.org, come risultato del tentativo fallito di Craig Wright di spacciarsi come il creatore del protocollo. 

The Whitepaper di Bitcoin torna su Bitcoin.org: Craig Wright non è Satoshi Nakamoto

Craig Wright has failed in his attempt to be recognized as Satoshi Nakamoto, the famous pseudonym creator of the Bitcoin protocol. 

To affirm it is Hennadii Stepanov, the maintainer of Bitcoin.org, who announced the great return of the Bitcoin Whitepaper on the platform:  

bitcoin.pdf is back on Bitcoin Core's domain 🧡 https://t.co/rGnLOXrSvc

— Norbert ⚡ (@bitnorbert) May 23, 2024

Previously, Bitcoin.org had to face legal constraints that forced it to limit access to the Whitepaper to users residing in the United Kingdom.

Not only that, the anonymous group that managed the site Cobra had lost in 2021 a lawsuit against Wright, who accused them of copyright infringement of the Bitcoin Whitepaper, claiming himself as the author of the document.

After losing the case three years ago, Bitcoin.org was forced to remove the PDF of the Whitepaper and Cobra, who had chosen not to present a defense, had to pay 35,000 pounds in legal fees.

But with this current great return of the Whitepaper of Bitcoin on Bitcoin.org, not only is the victory of the platform celebrated, but it is affirmed that Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto. 

Free Bitcoin Whitepaper: Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto


The release of the Bitcoin Whitepaper comes after March 14, 2024, judge James Mellor in the United Kingdom, issued the ruling that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto. 


L’informatico australiano è dal 2016 che afferma di essere il creatore della rete Bitcoin (BTC), tentando un riconoscimento pubblico con diverse cause legali. 

To nail him down, however, the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) took care of it, which with overwhelming evidence has carried the case forward since 2021, managing to prove that one of the early developers of Bitcoin, Wright, was not the creator of the protocol. 

The entry into the field of COPA has served both to clarify ideas on the issue, but also to prevent Wright from continuing with his claim of copyright rights over the Bitcoin Whitepaper, a document that has finally been freed. 

Wright, with a court order, has seen his assets frozen globally, for a total value of 6 million pounds (the equivalent of 7.6 million dollars). 

The price of BTC and the interest of MetaMask

During the weekend, the price of BTC fluctuated between 68,000-69,000$. At the time of writing, in fact, BTC is worth 68,650$. 

The leader of the crypto market has recorded an increase in trading volume in the last 24 hours of only +21%, while its total market cap stands today at 1.350 billion dollars. 

Yet, the crypto sector continues to bring important news. Among the latest concerning Bitcoin, besides the release of its Whitepaper, there is also interest from the most used wallet by Ethereum, MetaMask. 

Last week, in fact, the news leaked that the giant of the Ethereum ecosystem, MetaMask, is working to add support for Bitcoin as well.