Important Warning for New Investors: Be Cautious with Newly Listed Coins

Attention New Investors,

Recent events with the NOTION coin have led to significant losses for many. While new coins can be exciting, they also come with high risks. Here are some key points to consider:

High Volatility:

New coins can see rapid price changes, often due to market manipulation (pump-and-dump schemes).

Limited Data:

Lack of trading history makes it hard to predict performance.

Do Your Research:

Investigate the coin’s background, team, technology, and use case. Rely on credible sources.


Don’t put all your money into one investment. Spread your risk.

Community and Developer Activity:

Look for strong community support and active developers.

Lesson from NOTION:

The quick drop in NOTION's price highlights the risks of investing without proper research. Many lost money by jumping in too quickly.

Final Advice:

Cryptocurrency investing can be rewarding but is risky, especially with new coins. Always research thoroughly, consult experienced investors, and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Stay informed and invest wisely.
