🚨💥 Brace yourselves, because Warren Buffett just dropped a bombshell at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting! 💣 At the helm of one of the world's largest investment firms, Buffett sounded the alarm on AI, likening its arrival to the dawn of nuclear weapons. 🤖💥

💡 Buffett's Cautionary Tale:

With a voice of experience, Buffett urged caution in the face of AI's rapid advancement. Drawing parallels to the devastating power of atomic explosives, he warned of the potential dangers lurking behind the veil of artificial intelligence. 🚀🔍

🔮 The Dark Side of AI:

Buffett's skepticism isn't unfounded—it stems from witnessing firsthand the unsettling capabilities of AI. He recounted a chilling encounter with a deepfake video, where his likeness was manipulated to deliver a fraudulent message without his knowledge or consent. 😱🎭 This glimpse into AI's potential for deceit and manipulation left him deeply troubled, dubbing it "the growth industry of all times." 💼🔒

As we navigate the uncharted waters of AI, Buffett's words serve as a sobering reminder to approach this technology with caution and responsibility. 💼🛡️ Let's tread carefully, lest we unleash a force more powerful than we can handle. 🌊💻 #AIWarning #TechTales 🔍🚨