If you don't wanna stress yourself while trading avoid these 5 habits

1. Over trading

If you're into day trading, never trade more than twice in a day. Over trading will worn you out. Entering a trade requires so much of your intellect and sound judgment. Hey! An average human mind can only do so much in a day.

2. Looking at your portfolio every waking hour

Always plan your trade. Don't look at your portfolio every hour. Always set your take profit and stop loss point upon entry.

3. Trading at night

You've got to get a good night sleep brother. Let's face it, trading at night may cause nightmares. 😅

4. Punishing yourself for bad trades

Traders are no God. Even the best trader in the world will repeatedly fail in a trade. So take it lightly, learn the lesson, and keep trying.

5. Trading your borrowed money or your lifetime savings

As the old saying goes, always trade what you can afford to lose.

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