By Staking your STON tokens in a smart contract, you can engage in protocol governance while also earning rewards. This allows you to influence the platform’s direction and increase your holdings simultaneously!

Now lets take a look on why you should stake your STON Tokens:

1. Participate in governance by staking your tokens and gain the authority to propose and decide within our protocol. Your voice is pivotal, and we’re committed to amplifying it. Gain exclusive entry to the STON DAO, the hub of our decision-making, and shape the future of STONfi. Enjoy substantial rewards as your tokens work for you!

2. Earning rewards is just the beginning when you stake your tokens. Gain the power to influence decisions and propose changes within our protocol. Your input is invaluable, and we’re dedicated to magnifying its impact. Access the exclusive STON DAO, where the course of STONfi is determined, and become an integral part of its journey. Plus, reap robust rewards as your tokens contribute to your success!

3. Empower yourself by staking your tokens and stepping into governance. Shape the direction of our protocol and make meaningful proposals that drive our platform forward. Your insights are crucial, and we’re committed to amplifying your influence. Unlock entry to the prestigious STON DAO, where the future of STONfi unfolds, and join the journey. And don’t forget the enticing rewards awaiting you as your tokens work tirelessly on your behalf!