Hey, this is not some kind of article you have read that promised you heaven on earth about making money on Binance all to nothing. This is a tested method I have been using for a long.
You can earn up to $3000 first, then $700 after, and a guaranteed $250 monthly income.
And keep in mind that nothing is actually totally FREE and at the same time, this doesn't require you to spend any money upfront.
You just need to put in some little work and you'll be good to go.
You might have even heard about this before now but trust me, it was misguided. This is all you need to know.
If you follow everything I will be sharing with you here from beginning to end then, trust me, you will surely make money.
So, how do you make this stable monthly income on Binance?
Let's find out.
First Step
The popular saying says "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step" and this is also not exempted.
There's a program on Binance called Binance Affiliate Rewards Bootcamp. The program was designed to teach anyone who is willing to become a crypto influencer and earn a reward along the line.
The good thing here is that you can earn up to $3000 dollars in rewards as you learn which makes it even more fun.
That's learning + money = enjoyable.
The program will not only help you become a crypto influencer but you also acquire wealth over time.
You will be able to acquire wealth in the sense that after you have brought so many people to Binance and your referral fees can easily scale to 1BTC every month.
Trust me, it's actually possible.
So, the first step is to explain what's ahead, so what is the next step now?
Let's see.
Second Step
Now that you have gained an overview of what the tasks look like, the next now is to sign up for the program which is what this chapter will cover.
But first, read the article finish before you begin any of the steps so that you can understand pretty well.
In order to sign up, copy and paste the link below into your browser and you will be presented with a form.
Note: You need to be logged in to your Binance account before you can fill out the form.
There's a section in the form that says are you Referred by a Binance User, if yes input the ID, pls put my ID which is "307382208", thank you for that.
Now, after successfully filling out the form, then click submit and you will have something like this one below.
You need to wait 1 to 4 weeks before you begin receiving the classes.
The classes are in 7 different forms and they're:
Class 1: What does it mean to become a crypto educator
Class 2: Introduction to Binance Trading Products
Class 3: How to create quality and compelling content
Class 4: User-generated content for Non-trading Binance Products
Class 5: How to effectively attract and invite new users
Class 6: How to transform your invitees into active users
Class 7: Tips and Tricks from a Top Affiliate
Plus, make sure you watch all classes and take note of the important lessons there.
And that leads us to the next step.
Third Step
The next thing now is to start working on your class projects. Keep in mind that the more classes you passed the more rewards you earned.
The classes are in 5 and here are the rewards attached to it.
Pass 1 Class = No Rewards But $700 USDT on Graduate Incentive
Pass 2 Class = $500 USDT + $700 USDT on Graduate Incentive
Pass 3 Class = $1000 USDT + $700 USDT on Graduate Incentive
Pass 4 Class = $2000 USDT + $700 USDT on Graduate Incentive
Pass 5 Class = $3000 USDT + $700 USDT on Graduate Incentive
Note: The graduate Incentive is a one-time payment and you can now optin for the loyalty program which is where the $250 monthly rewards come in.
Note: Make sure you join the Telegram group link that's attached to your first-class email. You can get tips on how to pass more classes from users like you.
Also, before you can be eligible for rewards, you must have submitted your projects and also get onboarded into the program.
Fourth Step
After you must have taken all the rewards and one-time graduate incentives.
The next now is to obtain the graduate loyalty program which enables you to make a minimum of $250 every month and this is what this content is titled.
You will gain more knowledge about these when you eventually join the program.
Trust me, it's actually possible. You can make all of this money and even much more than you might ever imagine.
All you need to do is to follow instructions in the classes, join the Telegram group for the best support, and then submit your project on time.
After you have gotten all the first-time payments, begin to work on the minimum of $250 every month and be chopping it in order to sustain yourself.
If there's anything you don't understand. Pls, use the comment section below and I will be able to help you out personally.
Now it's your turn!
Support me in return by liking, sharing, and commenting on this post. Then follow me for more.
Thank you for reading through!