#pi #bitcoin a Functional Global Digital Currency System: The Vital Role of Pi Network in Financial Transformation - hokanews 

hokanews.com - Global banks are currently conducting large-scale blockchain trials, signaling an inevitable shift towards a global digital economy. With 155 participants from 45 major institutions settling real-world assets on 22 blockchains, it's evident that a functional consensus model is in place.

Major financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, BNY Mellon, and Cboe Global Markets have successfully conducted large-scale trials using blockchain technology. This includes the Forex Market on the CBOE Exchange. Institutional investors have even executed over 350 simulated transactions using distributed ledger technology across various areas such as tokenized assets, fund registration, digital currencies, securities lending, and margin management on the Canton network.

The participation in these trials is extensive, involving 15 asset managers, 13 banks, four custodians, three exchanges, and stablecoin issuer Paxos Trust. The Canton network, consisting of Deloitte, Deutsche Borse, Microsoft, Moody’s, and S&P Global, forms a crucial foundation in building a functional Global Digital Currency System.

The significant role in financial transformation is also played by Pi Network. With its innovative platform, Pi Network emerges as a key driver in accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology on a global scale. With a user-focused approach and ease of use, Pi Network helps expand the reach of blockchain technology to various layers of society.