The idea of ​​having a second layer for the Bitcoin network has been gaining a lot of attention in recent months. However, @NULS has already been working heavily on this. Besides integrating #Bitcoin into its multi-chain solutions like #Nabox Wallet and Neve Network, it is also developing a module called Bitcoin Layer 2 for its Chainbox tool. This is a modular solution that facilitates the development of new blockchains, making everything cheaper, much faster, and easier. Very soon, projects and companies needing to create blockchains will be able to use this module precisely to create their own second layer of Bitcoin. Currently, in #Nuls Chainbox, there are modules for consensus, smart contracts, and even cross-chain functionality, all aimed at making the creation of new blockchains easier. So, did you like this information? Then leave a like below and follow Nuls' official YouTube channel called "Nuls Blockchain".