According to BlockBeats, as of June 30, 2024, the number of cryptocurrency ATM installations reached 2,564, potentially covering the 2,861 units dismantled in 2023. Over the past 12 months, the total number of cryptocurrency ATMs worldwide has soared by 17.8%, reaching 38,279, close to the record of 39,541 set in December 2022.

More than 82% of the world's cryptocurrency ATMs are located in the United States, with Canada ranking second with 7.7%. Australia has seen a dramatic increase in installations, with the number growing nearly 17 times in the past two years to 1,107. At the current rate of installation, Australia is expected to surpass Europe's 1,584 ATMs. Other countries and regions with cryptocurrency ATM installations include Spain (313), Poland (279), El Salvador (215), Poland (211), Germany (177), and Hong Kong (169). Out of the 193 United Nations recognized countries, 72 have cryptocurrency ATMs.