Binance has announced stricter measures to combat the misuse of account features on its platform. This move is part of Binance’s ongoing commitment to strengthen compliance, protect users, and maintain market integrity.

Identification of Misuse

Recent detections have highlighted instances where certain account features are being exploited to gain unfair advantages over other users, such as better fee rates and higher API limits. This behaviour, identified through rigorous monitoring, undermines the fairness and efficiency that Binance aims to provide.

Commitment to Market Integrity

Binance is dedicated to taking the necessary steps to reinforce confidence in its exchange platform and the broader digital assets market. The firm believes that a healthy and sustainable market environment is crucial, prioritising all users' interests.

As part of this commitment, Binance will implement firmer actions against account misuse.

Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement

Binance offers various account types, including sub-accounts, managed sub-accounts, and fund manager accounts, all of which play significant roles in legitimate use cases. However, these features are susceptible to misuse by bad actors aiming to circumvent controls for personal gain.

Any behaviour involving unauthorized access to accounts is treated as a severe breach of Binance’s Terms of Use and KYC/KYB policies. Such actions negatively impact the platform's fairness and user experience.

To address this, Binance has enhanced the monitoring of all account activities. The exchange will investigate suspected incidents of misuse and take appropriate action, which may include suspension or termination of the relevant accounts.

Binance is committed to upholding the highest compliance standards and ensuring a fair playing field for all users. These efforts are vital to further safeguarding the integrity of the platform.

Reward for Reporting Misuse

In addition to technological measures, Binance is establishing a reporting channel for users to report any incidents of account misuse (e.g., unauthorized selling of access). Individuals who observe or suspect misuse are encouraged to report it. Binance will offer a reward for any verified case of account misuse, with the reward amount determined on a case-by-case basis. This initiative aims to encourage user participation in maintaining platform integrity.