According to Odaily, a certain 'whale' trader has reportedly suffered substantial losses in the trading of WIF, a cryptocurrency. The trader sold $3.77 million worth of WIF three hours ago, potentially incurring a loss of $2.71 million. The address associated with this trader has engaged in WIF trading twice, accumulating a total loss of $4.63 million.

The whale initially purchased 2.05 million WIF at a price of $3.88 per unit on April 8, amounting to $7.96 million. The trader then sold these holdings on May 7 and 8 at a price of $2.95 per unit, resulting in a loss of $1.92 million. Subsequently, between May 16 and May 20, the trader bought 2.34 million WIF at a price of $2.77 per unit, costing $6.48 million. However, the trader sold these holdings three hours ago at a price of $1.61 per unit, incurring a further loss of $2.71 million.