According to Odaily, Blast has announced the launch of Gold Distribution 4 on the X platform. This week, Blast will distribute 10 million Gold points to DApp. Gold points, also known as '黄金积分', are a form of digital currency used within the platform.

The launch of Gold Distribution 4 marks a significant development in the platform's operations. The distribution of 10 million Gold points to DApp is expected to stimulate activity and engagement within the platform. This move is part of Blast's ongoing efforts to enhance its platform and provide better services to its users.

Further details about the distribution process or the potential impact on the platform's overall performance have not been disclosed. However, the announcement has generated considerable interest among the platform's users and the wider digital currency community. The launch of Gold Distribution 4 and the distribution of 10 million Gold points to DApp is a clear indication of Blast's commitment to its platform and its users.