According to PANews, Injective's Layer 1 blockchain network has announced a proposal for a significant upgrade. If approved, this upgrade could transform the INJ token economy, making it one of the most deflationary assets to date. INJ stakeholders and validators have four days to vote in support of proposal IIP-392.

The proposal includes two main points. Firstly, it suggests reducing the inflation rate limit. The current lower limit is set at 5%, with a recommendation to decrease it by 25% quarterly over the next two years. The upper limit is currently set at 10%, with a suggestion to reduce it by 30% over the same period. Secondly, the proposal aims to increase the inflation rate change parameter from 0.1 to 0.5, enhancing its responsiveness to staking activities.

This proposal represents a significant shift in the INJ token economy, potentially making it one of the most deflationary assets. The decision now lies with the INJ stakeholders and validators, who have a four-day voting period to decide on the future of the INJ token economy.