Pavel Durov's blockchain wallet, owned by the founder of Telegram, is not only a store of digital assets but also a symbol of careful selection and strategic vision in the TON ecosystem. Among its highlights is @BTC25, TonMiner's memecoin dog, which is gradually proving itself to be a formidable competitor with Durov's ambition to take the TOP 1 position in wallets by 2025.
TonMiner's three main tokens lead the way
Durov's wallet currently holds three main TonMiner tokens, each with special potential:
1. 1RUS (Ton Miner): A token that represents TonMiner's strength in the field of Bitcoin mining, with a significant value of up to millions of USD.
2. 1RUSD (1RUS DAO): A groundbreaking DeFi token that creates flexibility in financial transactions.
3. @BTC25 Memecoin: A playful yet ambitious puppy is becoming the new symbol of the TON ecosystem.
@BTC25 – More than a meme, it's the future
@BTC25 is not just another memecoin. This is a project that the TonMiner development team has put all their heart into, with the goal of taking @BTC25 beyond all limits:
1. The mark of an icon: With over 21 billion @BTC25 tokens in Durov's wallet, this memecoin has solidified its place among the most important tokens in the TON ecosystem.
2. Mission 2025: TonMiner team publicly announced that @BTC25 will become the TOP 1 token in Durov's wallet, surpassing 1RUS and 1RUSD, to become the ultimate "million dollar dog".
@BTC25 – Transparency and trust are its strengths
While many memecoins face skepticism regarding transparency, @BTC25 proudly builds its platform on trust and accountability:
• Reputable development team: TonMiner team includes experienced Bitcoin mining experts with an extensive global network of relationships.
Clarity on Tokenomics:
• 90%: Allocation for liquidity.
• 5%: Donated to Pavel Durov - proof of the close connection between the project and the TON ecosystem.
• 5%: For The project development.
@BTC25's Journey – Learning and overcoming the Shiba Inu
Looking back at the journey of Shiba Inu (SHIB) – from a suspect token to a global memecoin icon – @BTC25 not only learns but innovates to go even further:
1. No room for doubt: Transparency and accountability from day one.
2. Breakthrough in value: Closely linked to the TON ecosystem and Bitcoin mining, bringing value far beyond a regular memecoin.
3. An engaged community: Through AMA sessions, events and interactive activities, @BTC25 builds a strong and loyal community.
Pavel Durov's wallet and trust in @BTC25
The presence of @BTC25 in Durov's wallet is not coincidental. It reflects the tireless efforts of the TonMiner development team:
• Proving its potential: With over 21 billion tokens held, @BTC25 is not just a memecoin but also a symbol of a visionary project.
• Goal for 2025: Make @BTC25 the leading token in Durov's wallet – not only in value but also in strategic importance.
Conclusion: The puppy aims for the throne
@BTC25 is more than just a memecoin; it is a symbol of innovation, transparency and long-term potential. With support from TonMiner and a spot in Pavel Durov's wallet, @BTC25 is on its way to conquering the crypto world – and more importantly, achieving Durov's dream of leading the wallet by 2025.
⚡ @BTC25 – The puppy of the TON ecosystem, breaking boundaries and leading the future!
#btc25onton #PavelDurov $TON