Hold your stuff together.
Recently, there are so many investors asking if they should sell - or not.
Fearing of loss for their money - but why? There is no reason to be afraid or being nervous.
Many here in Binance are actually seeking advice for the „next x500“ and following many stupid posts.
Wake up. You all invested money you were not afraid to lose. If this wasnt the case, you should go to a bank put your money there.
Impatience punishes the weak - and people with patience and resolve will get rewarded.
I even held $xvg since 2017/18ish (I do admit it was more of a mistake..) but still .. dont lose your cool. Not to mention ADA, #xrp or LINK.
After every dip, there is always a pump. Do you understand?
Besides, try to spot trending stuffs. TikTok was yesterday, now - sooner or later, AI agents will take over. Prepare yourselves for whats coming. Spot an upcoming trend while you still can. Can you relate? DYOR. Stop listening to people on TikTok or Instagram. #fmc