$EOS Simplified: MetaMask Integration, Unicove 2.0, and Free Account Creation
This past June the Greymass team was entrusted to kickstart new initiatives related to EOS Middleware as part of the new EOS tokenomics. This type of work is focused on the tools in the middle that connect you – the user, to your account on the blockchain. We decided that our initial goals would be to improve onboarding for new users, reduce friction and cognitive load while using the blockchain, and build an open source platform to serve as the foundation for current and future improvements.
As a first step towards achieving these goals, today we’re excited to announce the release of a number of projects:
The EOS Wallet for Metamask allows users of the popular MetaMask wallet to interact with the EOS Native network alongside EOS EVM and exSat.
Unicove 2.0 to serve as a portal into the EOS Network offering information, account management, and block explorer functionality.
A new EOS Account Creation platform to distribute free accounts to new users, integrated into Unicove, for use with MetaMask and other wallets.
These systems, when combined, create a new onboarding experience for the EOS Network.
For someone interested in EOS with general blockchain knowledge, this single URL can be shared to provide information and the steps to get started. This page prompts the installation of the EOS Wallet for MetaMask followed immediately by the creation of a free account. It then leads the new user directly into the management of their new account and ways to use the network. From there, they can use their new account on any other app built on the EOS Network.
This is the first of many experiences we will build into Unicove to make EOS and its apps easier. Unicove will become the homepage for many as it attracts new users and helps them discover everything that’s possible on EOS.