Some friends are under the false influence that price of bttc will reach definitely around $1 per coin or atleast $0.5 in 2025 or upto 2030 maximum.

I would say them to eliminate this concept from their minds because there is nothing to happen such a "Miracle" because of the facts as under.

First read the attached ss of coin information.

For $1 destination, the MC of bttc must reach equal to $968.25 trillions while currently, $BTC has mc $1.2t and total current global MC of all 2.4million coins is only $3.32 trillions. While the current mc of Bttc is only $1.07b only.

Now see the worlds total wealth.

The total wealth of the world is estimated to be around $454.4 trillion, according to the 2023 UBS Global Wealth Report. This staggering figure represents the total value of net wealth possessed by individuals worldwide.

The next thing is burning of tokens.

If bttc management burns 967.25 trillion tokens out of total circulating 968.25trillions of tokens, then for remaining 1trillion tokens, the mc should be 1 trillions of dollars which is far away from fact because BTC the mother coin has owned this figure only. And this is just a self created and misplaced utopia that bttc will burn 99.90% of all tokens.

NOT ONLY IMPOSSIBLE, but is also a Fiction story.