Squirrel Dad, also known as Mark Longo, has accused Binance of unauthorised use of his intellectual property, including images and trademarks associated with Peanut the Squirrel. Peanut, a male eastern grey squirrel that Longo rescued in 2017, became popular through a dedicated Instagram account. In October 2024, the squirrel was seized from Longo’s home by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, who euthanized it after testing for rabies.

In a letter to Binance, Longo accused the crypto exchange of using the PNUT branding for cryptocurrency services without his permission. Longo claims that Binance has unlawfully exploited the “Peanut the Squirrel” trademark, the PNUT logo and associated imagery, all of which he has owned since he rescued Peanut.

He has demanded that Binance stops this infringement and confirms compliance by December 17th, with an agreement that they will not commit further violations in the future. If Binance fails to comply with Longo’s requests, he reserves the right to seek legal remedies, including claims for damages under the U.S.

Copyright Act, which provides penalties of up to $150,000 for wilful infringement. Binance had not yet responded to Longo’s cease-and-desist letter at the time of writing.


<p>The post Binance faces legal action over Peanut the Squirrel trademark infringement first appeared on CoinBuzzFeed.</p>