Did you know that many cryptocurrencies have reached ALL-TIME HIGHS during the Christmas and New Year's week?
Let's take a look at some historic examples:
Bitcoin (BTC) reached an all-time high of $19,666 on December 17, 2017.
Ethereum (ETH) surged to an all-time high of $755 on January 3, 2018.
Litecoin (LTC) reached an all-time high of $375 on December 19, 2017.
Binance Coin (BNB) skyrocketed to an all-time high of $643 on April 12, 2021, but had a significant surge during the 2020 holiday season.
And here are some coins that gained MAXIMUM BENEFIT during the holiday season in the past 4 years:
Chainlink (LINK) surged 50% in December 2020.
Polkadot (DOT) gained 30% in December 2021.
Solana (SOL) rose 25% in December 2021.
Cardano (ADA) increased 20% in January 2022.
So, what's behind this phenomenon?
Is it the low trading volumes, the year-end tax optimization, or the New Year's optimism?
Whatever the reason, one thing is clear: the crypto market is UNPREDICTABLE, and holding onto your assets can be incredibly rewarding!
So, don't get caught up in the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt). Stay calm, stay patient, and HODL on to your assets!
Who knows what the holiday season will bring this year?
Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments below!