The Cardano community faced a wave of confusion on Sunday after the X account of the Cardano Foundation was hacked. The attacker used the account to spread misinformation. This includes a fake announcement about a new Cardano-based token and a false claim of a lawsuit from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These false claims caused chaos in the blockchain community, leading to confusion and financial losses.

The Fake Token: $ADASOL

The hacker’s first move was to post a thread about a token called $ADASOL. According to the post, $ADASOL was a Solana-based token that combined “Cardano’s vision” with “Solana’s speed and innovation.” 

The thread was surprisingly convincing. It included thirteen posts explaining the supposed token’s purpose and linked to legitimate resources. This includes the Cardano Foundation’s official website and a podcast. 

These tactics made the scam appear genuine and led to over $500,000 in trading volume on the token, according to DexScreener. However, the deception did not last long. Within an hour, traders began to realize the token was a scam, and the fraudulent post was deleted.

Cardano Foundation Hack: A False SEC Bombshell

As the dust seemed to settle, the compromised account escalated the drama. A new post falsely claimed that the SEC had filed a lawsuit against the Cardano Foundation. It alleged that the Foundation was forced to stop supporting the ADA token immediately. This announcement was designed to create panic among the community.

The post, viewed over 256,000 times, had replies disabled but was widely shared with warnings that the account was compromised. The misleading announcement sparked concern and confusion among community members until Cardano representatives stepped in to address the situation.

A Cardano Foundation team lead acknowledged the account breach and confirmed it was being addressed. The Cardano Community X account told followers to ignore posts from the hacked account and reassured them that the issue was being addressed.

Cardano took a significant step in fighting crime and illicit activities in the blockchain space in March by partnering with the Dubai Police. This initiative highlights the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to strengthening security within the crypto ecosystem. 

Heightened Security Breaches in Blockchain: A Growing Concern

The crypto and blockchain sectors are increasingly threatened by sophisticated cyberattacks, leading to greater emphasis on security measures. In November 2023, Atomic Wallet suffered a massive breach that led to over $100 million in stolen user funds.

Recently, Ethereum-based restaking protocol EigenLayer suffered a $5.5M token heist after an email breach. These breaches underscore the importance of robust cybersecurity measures, particularly for organizations at the heart of decentralized finance.

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