Before you rode your bicycle for the first time, you thought it was hard and didn’t have a clue how to ride it.

Before you took your first swim, you thought you are going to drown, same as when you tried driving a car.

Humans always tend to fear what they don’t know, they fear of failure, and it's no different in crypto.

I understand you lost a lot of money, you are suffering, surfing the pages, reading random news headlines, taking breaks checking your Facebook, Youtube, seeing your dream car in a reel or a short on youtube, Imagining yourself at places that seems impossible for you to visit right now, i understand how you feel… And i have a message for you..Don’t ever give up.

Don’t ever quit, life will give you what you want, it might not be when you want it, it might not be right now, but it will come to you, knock on your door, wakes up up, pulls you out of your bed, saves you from those dark times in your head.

There will be a time When you become smarter, stronger, tougher, resilient, hungry to live this life the way you wanted and even more, you will get your joy leveraged x20

I sure hope you do.

Stay strong my friend, i got you.
