According to information available on the Internet, there is no official confirmation of the launch of BLUM. Considering all the delays and speculations, after the launch of this project TELEGRAM AIRDROPS and TON will face a fate worse than HMSTR. Tens of millions of users will simply disappear. And that's only for the reason that in the last couple of months, the only thing users have been getting are shameful amounts of worthless tokens. It seems that BLUM will not be any different. As I have been saying for months, the era of TELEGRAM AIRDROPS based on the TON ecosystem is coming to an end...And they are knowingly doing it and they know that they alone are responsible for the systematic destruction of something that could have been mutually satisfying. DYOR


And mentioning Binance Project Moonbix is ​​a complete waste of time…Lol

#BLUM #MEMEFI (Tomarket