Of recent the invent of telegram bot mining has brought some convenient to the crypto community. Eliminated some resources like data,time and space, a telegram miners mine as many as desired tokens under one umbrella while engaging in multiple bots

On the other hand, the recent activities of some project teams have left the miners to doubt legitimacy of these projects under the watch of telegram CEO.

Most common abuse among the project teams is the introduction of the gas fee payment at 24th hour which ranges from 0.5ton forcing miners to forfeit their mined asset. X- empire is typical instance.

Besides, sometimes the team and the project go underground. A miner can be introduced to a new scam projects under the name of partnership. The 'Real Cow House' as well as 'Faaton' suits in here.

The question is who checkmates the activities of crypto projects on telegram?

It is high time government authorities beam their radar on the telegram bots as well as project teams.