As we watch the circus of the Federal Reserve and the mainstream media dissect the latest CPI numbers, the financial elites would have you believe they are still in control. The September inflation figures—2.4% headline, 3.3% core—are being peddled as just minor fluctuations. They claim that with careful rate cuts, they can steer the economy toward that mythical "soft landing." What they won’t tell you is that this entire narrative is built on quicksand, a crumbling foundation that’s been hidden from the public for decades.

The Federal Reserve is not fighting inflation; it’s fighting to keep the Ponzi scheme alive a little longer. Every rate cut, every policy "tweak," is a desperate attempt to prevent the collapse of a debt-ridden system that is already in its death throes. The Fed’s decision to cut rates by 50 basis points last month, and the anticipated 25-point cut next month, is not about cooling inflation or boosting employment. It’s about pumping life support into a financial system that should have been allowed to crash and burn long ago.

What the September inflation data really tells us is that the Fed has lost control. Core inflation continues to rise, and it’s not going away. This isn’t just about shelter, medical care, or food; it’s about the real, systemic inflation that’s being masked by manipulated metrics and cooked books. Meanwhile, jobless claims are spiking. Do they honestly expect us to believe that they can contain this mess with minor interest rate adjustments?

The truth is far more brutal. The global financial system is unsustainable, and the Fed is leading the charge off the cliff. They’re propping up the U.S. dollar, even as it inches closer to losing its status as the global reserve currency. What’s next? Hyperinflation? Stagflation? A currency collapse? Take your pick. The signals are everywhere, but the blind are still leading the blind.

This is not just economic mismanagement—it’s deliberate. The Federal Reserve, central banks, and their corporate allies are engineering this collapse. Why? So they can offer you their solution: centralized digital currencies, more surveillance, more control. The inflation figures are a smokescreen for the real agenda: a global financial reset that will strip away whatever freedoms you have left.

It’s time to stop pretending that the Fed can "fix" this. The system is broken beyond repair, and any suggestion that a soft landing is possible is pure fiction. Prepare for what’s coming. The collapse isn’t a matter of if—it’s a matter of when.