Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov and his partner, Juli Vavilova, have shared the tragic news of a miscarriage, which they believe resulted from stress following Durov’s brief arrest by French authorities. On October 4, the couple went public that they had been expecting a child but tragically lost the pregnancy.

The girlfriend of the founder of Telegram, Yulia Vavilova, lost her child after the arrest of Pavel Durov.The founder of the messenger himself published a post about this.According to him, on August 27, he had a "regular multi-hour interview with the police." "Between…

— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) October 6, 2024

Pregnancy Discovered Amid Investigation

In a Telegram post, Vavilova disclosed that she learned of her pregnancy on August 25, 2024, just days after Durov’s arrest. Recounting the moment, she explained:

Sitting in a Parisian café, I took the test. The result was in French: ‘Enceinte 3+.’ I ran back upstairs to translate. The shock on my face when it said ‘Pregnant.’ I felt helpless, unable to run to Pavel with the happy news, as he was still unreachable.”

Despite her excitement, Vavilova faced immediate challenges due to the ongoing legal situation. On the advice of her doctor, she delayed responding to law enforcement requests for questioning to avoid the stress that could impact her pregnancy. However, after several weeks, she submitted herself for questioning.

A Time of Hope Turned to Tragedy

For the next month, the couple navigated a period of uncertainty, trying to adjust to the news of the pregnancy. Vavilova described it as a time filled with joy but also trepidation, given the ongoing legal pressures. Sadly, on October 4, 2024, the couple received the heartbreaking news that the baby’s heart had stopped beating. Vavilova, who was ten weeks pregnant at the time, believes the stress from Durov’s high-profile arrest and subsequent investigation was “too much for the little one.”

Durov rehashes the heartbreaking miscarriage. Source: Pavel Durov

Details of Pavel Durov’s Arrest

Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 24, 2024. Reports later emerged that French authorities had issued arrest warrants for both Pavel and his brother Nikolai Durov months earlier, in March 2024. Pavel was detained for four days before being released. He faced charges related to complicity in the spread of child pornography, with French law enforcement criticizing Telegram’s content moderation policies.

French Government’s Response

French President Emmanuel Macron has denied that Durov’s arrest was politically motivated. He also refuted claims that he invited Durov to the country or was aware of his presence before the arrest. These statements have been met with criticism from the crypto community and free speech advocates, who question the timing and nature of the charges.

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