BLUM token
How Much is the Premarket Price of Blum Coin in Rupiah?
Blum Coin Premarket Price How Much Rupiah? Much attention is currently focused on #blumcoin , a cryptocurrency project that has caught the interest of the crypto community.
The interest is due to its innovative approach to hybrid exchange . This article will discuss the latest Blum Coin price predictions, as well as the latest information on the pre-market price that is currently attracting the attention of crypto investors.
BLUM Token Supply Amount
Blum Coin has a limited supply of 10 billion tokens.
With a limited supply, Blum Coin has the potential for its price to increase as demand in the market increases, especially during the official listing later.
According to the latest information obtained from CoinCodex , the current pre-market price for Blum Coin is $0.049225 per token (around Rp. 758 with an exchange rate of $1 = Rp. 15,400).
This price shows that Blum Coin has increased since previous information which stated the pre-market price was around $0.02 (Rp. 308).
This reflects the growing interest among investors, especially ahead of its official launch.
Airdrop for Early Adopters
For Early Adopters who have been involved in the Blum Coin project before listing, there is an opportunity to claim tokens via airdrop after the official launch on the exchange.
However, the exact date for the listing and airdrop has not been confirmed by the Blum team.
This airdrop is expected to increase community interest and enthusiasm, while encouraging the growth of participation in this project.
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