Pi Network has been a buzzword in the crypto world, with millions of users mining Pi on their phones daily. But the big question on everyone’s mind is—why isn’t it listed on major exchanges like Binance or Coinbase? After all, listing on these platforms would unlock real earning potential for all the Pi miners out there.

One of the key reasons is that Pi Network is still in its enclosed mainnet phase. This means it hasn’t fully opened up its blockchain for public trading yet. Without this crucial step, it’s impossible for Pi to be traded on major exchanges. In simple terms, Pi is not yet ready to be traded freely like Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Regulatory hurdles are another major issue. Pi Network needs to ensure it complies with global financial regulations before making the leap to big exchanges. Any misstep here could lead to legal troubles, and no one wants that—not Pi, and definitely not major exchanges like Binance.

Finally, exchanges like Binance prioritize coins that already have high liquidity and demand. Pi is still relatively new, and while its community is large, the restricted trading environment has limited its ability to show real-world demand and trading volume. Until Pi Network proves it can bring in the kind of liquidity that major exchanges look for, the wait continues.

For those eager to cash in on Pi, patience is key. Pi Network is still in its early stages, and while the potential is huge, it’s important to understand that listing on major exchanges takes time, regulatory approval, and liquidity. Keep mining and stay tuned—the opportunity could come, but it won’t happen overnight.

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