I'm just sometimes shocked by the stupidity of some prejudices that traders live with.

Candles reflect what is happening in the world or the mood of investors, based on REAL world economy reports and data in different sectors. Crypto market react on that data also following stock market and a gold. 

But we still have millions of traders who perceive the market as something just a green or red on a chart, and the worst thing is that they have a huge audience. 

How many times over the past 7 months have you heard something like "if bitcoin hold above 60k or 64k, then this will mean ..." 

I'll tell you a secret any “confirmation”, any number on the chart means absolutely nothing to determine the future price movement. NOTHING. 

Open the chart on the daily timeframe. After all, we hold a daily candle above a certain level must mean something there, right? That's what crypto experts tell you. Then the price falls or rises higher and they find some explanations after the fact to justify their worthlessness. Like "oh we dumped because Iran airstrike Israel..." Yes clowns, thats a point, because BTC candles just a reflection of things in a world!

BTC can million times retest and hold a line with daily or weekly candle close above 60k and dump in eye blink next day to 57. But even for this this traders got a beauty explanation - "fake out" )) 

It's normal to make mistakes. Why people scare so much mistakes or wrong analysis! It's not normal to always follow some market cliches and make excuses to satisfy your analyst ego. It seems like their crown would fall off their heads if they suddenly said "I was wrong." Fixations, breakouts, tests of some lines don't mean anything. What's important is understanding the macro situation in the world, seasonality, liquidity and time. The last two are simply the most important thing, when the price will be delivered to the next liquidity pool and why based on what's happening in the world.

Thats why we work with zones of interest, accumulation and distributions!  $BTC #BTC☀