$XRP The tension-filled drama continues to escalate in the seemingly endless legal battle between the SEC and Ripple. The SEC, the U.S. securities watchdog under the leadership of Gary Gensler, seems unable to accept the previous court decision that only fined Ripple $125 million. Like a tiger smelling blood, the SEC filed an appeal, asserting that the fine was far from enough.

They are demanding more, much more—around $2 billion—arguing that Ripple should pay a much heavier price for the alleged violations. Their reasoning? The initial ruling was too lenient. Here, the SEC is attempting to dismantle securities laws that have stood firm for decades under the U.S. Supreme Court's guidance, seeking ways to strengthen their position and punish Ripple more severely.

Amid this drama, Gary Gensler himself is in the spotlight, rumored to potentially enrich himself from the SEC's aggressive actions. Allegations of hidden personal interests behind these massive demands add layers of intrigue to the legal maze. With every step, Ripple fights an increasingly uphill battle, while the world wonders: is this purely a matter of law, or is there a hidden agenda behind it voute off presiden in US?We don't know.

From all those issues, we have yet to obtain a valid source, except regarding the appeal.

Dyor every think.